I... I don't even know what to say. Yeah, I know he could be a real asshole, but in my younger days, I really looked up to the guy. I should have replied earlier, but I guess part of me wanted to believe that I had just imagined the whole thing. I hate to admit it, but I think this is the first time a death I found out about online has really gotten to me. Yeah, when you're part of online forums, when you interact with dozens of people, death is sure to come up, but then again, often there are so many people that are part of a community that it's hard to connect to any one of them. Not saying that Glenn and I were BFFs or anything, but he had such a strong personality that he stood out from the crowd in my mind. Well, I guess I don't have much else to add, other than that wherever he is now, in whatever state he is, assuming some part of him still exists, I would like for him to know that despite everything, plenty of people cared about him, and plenty of people miss him now.