Soda is spelled in reverse alphabetical order.

ZC stands for Zelda Classic.

SMF stands for Super Mario Flash.

GML stands for Game Maker Language.

GM stands for Game Maker.

Styx is not spelled in alphabetical order because abcdefghijklmnopqrSTuvwXYz although X comes after S and T in the alphabet, X comes before Y and Z in the alphabet.

Styz is however spelled in alphabetical order because abcdefghijklmnopqrSTuvwxYZ Z is the one and only letter than comes after Y.

Stzx is not spelled in alphabetical order because like Y, Z does come after X in the alphabet and also X comes before Z in the alphabet.

It is possible to do if relative in GML.

Spicy hotness actually helps heal an ulcer by sealing it up and killing its bacteria.

Spicy hotness actually helps heal ulcers by sealing them up and killing their bacteria.

The world's weakest possible tornado is still more than 12,345 times physically stronger than the world's strongest human being.

Samantha is one of if not the only human name than uses only one vowel.

Both Emo and also Elmo are both spelled alphabetically.

There is more energy in the world's weakest possible tornado than there is energy in the most extreme bar fight on planet earth.

More than 1,000,000 earths can fit inside the sun.

The phrase repent of your sins is not found even once in The Holy Bible.

Eternity in Hell doctrine is false doctrine.

In The Holy Bible God is the one who is mentioned repenting the most.

God himself has gotten a divorce at least once according to The Holy Bible Jeremiah 3:8.

Coca Cola is much healthier than Diet Caffeine Free Coca Cola.