Okay, so here's a topic that doesn't usually get a whole lot of love from members of the gaming community and really from Americans in general.

We're always hearing stories in the news about how fat Americans are compared to the rest of the world. Some of the more pessimistic figures put it at 1/3 of Americans being obese, and 2/3 being overweight.
I live in one of the worst states in the nation for obesity... when I go out and look around, I can confirm that folks at a healthy weight are quite rather the exception. Usually I see them running along the sidewalk on my way to and from work.

For most of my life growing up I was quite a shrimp compared to other kids my age. Fast metabolism, didn't put on much fat or muscle (not that I tried). I was moderately athletic when it came time for PE class thanks to Tae Kwon Do class 2 nights a week, but I never played any of the team sports, mostly out of lack of interest, but also because I would have been too small for football or basketball anyway, though I probably would have been okay for track & field, something I kind of regret not considering at the time.

When I stopped growing at around 18 years old, I was 5'7", 140 lbs. Then I started having a lot of mental issues, junk food helped me cope, started seeing a lot of weight gain which was exacerbated by the anti-depressants I was on.
Within 2 years I had ballooned to a weight of around 220 lbs. Some of you oldbies may remember some of the pictures that were passed around from when I was at my heaviest.

I was never the fat kid growing up, and the first time an IRL friend called me "fat" to my face, even though I knew he was joking, it lit a fire in me where I knew I had to change something, and fast.
I cut out all the junk food, reduced my food intake to 2 meals a day, and then started going out and run-walk interval training every other day, slowly building up to being able to run 1 mile, and then 2.
The results were dramatic, I lost 100 lbs over the next 2 years, but my anorexic eating habits caused me to briefly become underweight. Later that year (2007) I contracted Cat Scratch Disease, which killed my ability to work out, the stress from a new job didn't help either, and I went up in weight to about 160 lbs. over the next year.

About two years ago I decided to get in shape, and this time to keep up with it. I started running again, built up via run-walk to running about 3-5 miles 5 times a week. Then as this summer started rolling around, I started looking for a different kind of exercise that I could do indoors for bad weather days, or when it was just too hot outside for running. A lot of my friends were doing Beachbody's P90X, so I started looking on Beachbody's website and saw Insanity. It looked attractive because (unlike P90X) it required no equipment, and has mostly a focus on cardio, which has always been my strong suit. I'm a hard-gainer when it comes to muscle mass. Right now I weigh 130 lbs. but I can only bench 140 lbs. It's more than my body weight, but it's still pretty meh and I don't enjoy it. I do weight lift very occasionally with friends, but I hate seeing my 200 lbs. out of shape buddies bench 180 lbs. and then be all in my face about it.
I like to feel like I'm doing something, and the constant fast moving around of cardio gives me that enjoyment. Plus nobody I know in real life is all that great at it, so it's something I can be the best at, which feels good.

So I've been doing the Insanity videos for about 4 months now, and boy do I feel better than at any other point in my life. The running thing was great, but it was a limited workout because you only use less than half the muscles in your body when running. Insanity is a much more well-rounded routine, so I'm going to keep trucking with it for awhile, but I'm thinking I may give P90X a try, or maybe even graduate into Insanity Asylum.

Okay, so enough about me, I want to hear what you guys do for exercise. Any stories about struggles/achievements with fitness, sports, or just physical activities in general is welcome.