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Thread: in Honor of 5th Quest

  1. #61
    Username Kaiser SUCCESSOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJC View Post
    Do you have a corded XBox 360 controller and a Windows operating system? (It has to be a legitimate corded controller and not one with a USB charger)
    Unfortunately no. I have been meaning to get one. Or one of those Wii2USB adapters for my Classic Controllers.

  2. #62
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmare View Post
    Cool. When you going to upload it?

    Well right now Part 8 has been uploading (now at 86%!) for almost 2 hours.... Considering there are 13 parts it shouldn't take longer than, say... forever. >_<

    Quote Originally Posted by SUCCESSOR View Post
    Unfortunately no. I have been meaning to get one. Or one of those Wii2USB adapters for my Classic Controllers.
    I got a PS1/PS2 to USB at Amazon for $4 bucks about a year ago. It's el-cheapo but hasn't broken yet!

    Yester-yesterday's videos:

    Part 7 - Level 5
    Part 8 - Level 6

    Yesterday's vids:
    Part 9 - Level 8a
    Part 10 - Level 7
    Last edited by Gleeok; 08-08-2013 at 10:26 PM.
    This post contains the official Gleeok seal of approval. Look for these and other posts in an area near you.

  3. #63
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    Here's another hint post. Well, it's more of a text walk-through at this point. Dungeon Seven and Eight are up this time.

    Seventh Dungeon
    Spoiler: show
    Secret is south of the waterfall.
    Spoiler: show
    The Seventh Dungeon is found by bombing a wall in the northern portion of the desert.

    With ladder in hand from the previous dungeon, take a short jaunt down the beach to grab that errant Heart Container and then set out for the next destination (see the embedded spoiler if you're having trouble finding it). You may also want to recharge your potions if you used them in the previous dungeon, since this is going to be a LONG fight.
    If you've managed to squeak by without the Magic Shield up to this point, now is the time to purchase one. The Seventh Dungeon is crawling with Wizzrobes, both the phasing and teleporting variety. Unless you like to constantly scramble back and forth, being able to block their shots is a necessity. Also, pack 50 rupees and make sure you've acquired that leftover key from Dungeon 5.
    There's an efficient and an inefficient way to clear this dungeon, the first depending entirely on your exploration curiosity and the latter being a series of guided recommendations to reduce the amount of combat you encounter. I will be describing the latter.
    If, perchance, you do not want to read my step-by-step guide, here are a few hints to help you navigate the dungeon with the least amount of peril:
    If South has a visible door, it probably leads to the death gauntlet. If you have the choice between going North and going West, make sure you try North first. If you have the choice between North, West, and East, NEVER go West (It's a trap!). If you're in a room that seems to only have north doors, try to head south. Make sure you find both the Wand and the Red Candle (they're in the same area). Finally, don't be afraid to leave the dungeon for more potions, you're going to need them.
    Now, to begin the step-by-step
    Spoiler: show
    Ignore the first shutter, instead bombing to the right. Make your way east until you encounter a Gleeok, defeat it, and then head north. If you press south, you will encounter a difficult battle with a Gohma (since you cannot access the bottom half of the screen, you have to shoot at point-blank range). This will only win you the Compass, so if you don't mind having a gap in your inventory feel free to skip.
    If you listened to me and skipped Gohma, you'll be in a room with three Like Likes and an assortment of Wizzrobes. Clear the room for a key, and then SCOUR EVERY BRICK until one of them moves. This will reveal a secret staircase.
    Taking the staircase leads you to a room with a Manhandla. Don't bother fighting it yet, instead walk through the south wall to enter a room with Wizzrobes. Kill them for another key (you should have three at this point) and bomb the south wall again to find a room with--you guessed it--more Wizzrobes. Kill these as well and push around on the bricks to discover DUN DUN DUN! The Magic Wand! (Feel free to use your potion as necessary; there will be an opportunity to leave the dungeon after this gauntlet, so you can buy a new one).
    Make your way back north to the Manhandla, kill it, and go through the shutter. This is a one-way trip, which is why we wanted to head south first (Trust me, you do NOT want to run through this area multiple times). You'll be in a room with lava and more wizzrobes. Rather than fight them, head north through a pass-through wall and kill the enemies their to acquire the Red Candle. This concludes item collection for the dungeon.
    Doubling back south (into the room with wizzrobes and lava), clear the room and head to the RIGHT (Right is the way out of this gauntlet, Left is actually an alternate entrance to this area we avoided by skipping that first shutter). You'll be in a room shaped like a key, crawling with Like Likes. Clear them out and push on the keyhole to reveal a staircase, then take the resulting passageway.
    If you look at your map, you'll notice you're in a room right next to the dungeon entrance. This room has two exits, one to the north and one to the west. Take the north exit first and kill all the bats to grab another key (That makes four), then double back and use the west exit to return to the entrance. If you've used any potions at this point, you'll want to leave the dungeon to replenish them.
    Either way, you're back at the entrance. Follow the same path you took in the first place, through the Gleeok Pen and into the room with the Like Likes. This time, though, head east. You'll find a room with a DigDogger; waste it and go to the north (South is a dead end). Here, dear old Abei will threaten to take one of your Heart Containers, so pay him the fifty rupees and head to the West (If you go North, you will find the map but end up back in the gauntlet where you found the Red Candle, and then back at start. Since I'm giving directions, it's not really worth it to sidetrack for the map).
    If you listened to me and went West, you'll be in a room with a narrow hall, filled with Like Likes. Clear this room and look around the top half for a brick that can be pushed. This will give you access to the North wall, which should be bombed to proceed (If you continue west, you will end up in a very deadly room [which was hiding behind that first shutter] that leads to... that's right! The Gauntlet!).
    You'll find yourself in a room with two Lanmolas. Clear them out for yet another key, then head west. The next room has a shutter and a key door; take the key door. This leads to a room with locks on both sides; ignore them and bomb the north wall. Ignore the Manhandla and bomb the east wall. Clear this room to find--YES! Another key. Head back to the room with the two locked doors and go to the East (The west is a trap leading back to the gauntlet). The remainder of the dungeon is fairly linear: just make sure you don't take any southward doors and push on the blocks when you have cleared the rooms. In the dead-end you'll inevitably encounter there is a push-block that must be pushed from the bottom to grant access to a passageway (any other direction will cause the block to be in your way. If you've pushed the block on top of another block, you've done it correctly).
    You'll find yourself in a new combat stretch, with South serving as the only available direction to go. You'll need to defeat the enemies in each of these rooms (including a half-screen Gohma which will pose a significant challenge), then push a brick to reveal yet another staircase. If you've survived this nightmare, you'll appear in a familiar dark room in an unusual spot. It's that first hallway with the bats. With nowhere else to go, press against the north wall to pass through. This room has three sword-restoring blue bubbles; an omen for what is to come. Take the passageway and cringe as you are forced to lose the use of your sword. Proceed west to face the boss and finish the dungeon.

    The boss of this dungeon is a four-headed Gleeok. Since you will have been ambushed by red perma-sword jinxing bubbles immediately before the fight, you should use the Wand as a blunt instrument to chop its heads off. Alternatively, you may drink a potion to recover the use of your sword.

    Eighth Dungeon
    Spoiler: show
    Scrounge up another fifty rupees and make sure your potions are stocked, because we're heading to Dungeon Eight.
    Spoiler: show
    Dungeon Eight is under a tree in the green woods east and north of start. Burn the trees with your red candle until the correct staircase is revealed. The dungeon is within four screens of start if you are having trouble locating it.

    Make sure you've studied the Darknut Stab Exploit before entering this dungeon (though I suppose this could be the place to test it out if you haven't used it yet). You'll need the technique in several places, both to get past one-tile hallways filled with Darknuts and to defeat scores of Darknuts with the puny Wand while you're jinxed.
    The Eighth Dungeon has only one item; the Magic Key. It is possible to acquire this item without going through any locked doors, so if you're exploring on your own keep that in mind. I'm going to provide a step-by-step to help reduce the agony of one-way doors and backtracking.
    If you don't want to use my walkthrough, just remember to check your map frequently: if a new door leads to a room you've already occupied, chances are it's a one-way trap. Be sure to check for walk-throughs and bombable walls if you get stuck.
    On to the step-by-step
    Spoiler: show
    You've got two doors to choose from. Choose the one on the east. You'll be in a narrow hallway filled with Darknuts; get to roughly the center of the screen and use the stab exploit by turning south and stabbing repeatedly. It should both mitigate the damage you suffer and ensure that the Darknuts cannot block (since they can only face two directions on this screen). Clearing them out opens the shutter, letting you travel further east. Ignore the enemies in this room and cross to the east wall, which is actually a pass-through wall. This leads to a room with darknuts, perma-jinx bubbles, and one cure bubble. If you get jinxed, cling to the jinxing bubble until you can safely navigate to the cure bubble (repeated cursing will give you temp invulnerability without further detriment). You'll need to waste all the darknuts in here and then push one of the bricks to reveal a staircase. Also, make sure you are NOT jinxed before taking the staircase (if you get zapped, double back into the room and touch the cure bubble before proceeding).
    You'll come out in a room with four Darknuts and four Gibdos. Clear them out to head east, where you'll have to fight Gohma. Thankfully this dungeon doesn't have half-screen blocking, so it should be easy to waste. Go south, bomb the south wall, and face a Patra. Feel free to use one of your potion doses if you're hurting, beat the thing, and go west. This room has more Darknuts; use the exploit or mad skill to beat them and then push the brick furthest from the door to find the stairs leading to the Magic Key.
    With this in hand, head back to the room where you beat Gohma (don't bother going through that other door on the way, it only has a key that you don't really need), and this time exit through the east door. You'll be in a room filled with Pol's Voice; clear them out and push on blocks to reveal a staircase (If you bomb the south wall, you can kill some Darknuts and find the map).
    Taking the stairs will lead you back to start. Feel free to leave the dungeon and refill your potions if necessary, then continue by using the North Door. This area is fairly straight-forward; follow the flow of the map and bomb walls as necessary. If there's a key door, take it in lieu of shutters or open doors. Eventually you'll encounter a spiral room swarming with perma-jinx bubbles. Suffer their diabolical curse and take the stairs to have a repeat of the Dungeon Seven Boss (Wand stabbing and all).
    After defeating the Gleeok, take the only door to the west and you will be in a dark room filled with Pols Voice (Voices?). There's a shutter, but you should ignore it. Instead bomb the west wall and push forward. You'll be in a room full of Blue Darknuts, which must all be killed to advance. This is rather difficult with the wand (even using the stab exploit), and even more so if you have the Magic Book. Try to supplement your assault with bombs and, if necessary, just use a potion to recover your sword (best to save it until you're really hurting, though). Once they're defeated you can exit via the shutter to the south.
    The next room has a DigDogger in it; ignore it and take the key door to the east. Pay the mugger and head south through the shutter. You'll see two locked doors; either one is safe to walk through but you'll want to head to the left. From this point, every visibly apparent door is a trap leading back to some earlier section of the dungeon: exit to the south using a walk-through wall, clear the Darknuts in the next room and push bricks until a staircase is revealed, exit the room that follows through the east using a walk-through wall, clear the Darknuts in THAT next room and push bricks to reveal a staircase, and emerge in a dead-end with a single shutter and two Lanmolas. Use the boss roar as your landmark to know that you're almost done with the dungeon. Clear the room and head through the now-open shutter to find the boss room. Make sure you have at least one potion left, because this one is quite difficult.

    The boss is a Patra, which uses the Big Circle Pattern of attack. There are also six fire shooters in the room. Try to reach this point with a potion so that you can just stand near the Patra and stab its barrier bugs.
    If you manage to beat the guy, congratulations! You have reassembled the Triforce of Wisdom, and now it's time to seek out Ganon's lair.

  4. #64
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    Here is an update on my progress.

    Spoiler: show
    I have completed three levels so far: 1, 2, and 4. I found 4 much easier than 3 since I was having some issues with the Darknuts. Once I got through 4 and was able to find a few more heart containers, get the bomb upgrade, and now that I can buy potions, I feel like I can make level 3 way easier than it was before. I went back in, got the boomerang, but then ran out of bombs when I went to find the Dodongos after the first stairwell. I stopped there and I will try again tomorrow.

    In my travels for additional heart containers and the letter, I also stumbled in the entrances to levels 5, 7, 8, and even 9 which was pretty cool. I also found the location for the Magic Sword. I feel like it's just a matter of grinding through the dungeons now and making sure I have enough rupees in case I find the other bomb upgrade or if I need to buy new items like potions, another shield, or more bait. We will see how it goes. I probably have around 20 deaths so far.

  5. #65
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erm2003 View Post
    Here is an update on my progress.
    Wow, that's really impressive. I didn't think you could
    Spoiler: show
    go out of order like that
    in 3rd quest.

    I have to say, though, the 1st dungeon has a huge difficulty curve... getting through below twenty deaths is quite the accomplishment (you '0 Death' Nintendo monsters don't count!)

  6. #66
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    The all you need is preparation, patience, a little bit of knowledge about what is up ahead (ie. I've had a peek in Level 8 and that's Darknuts, so Level 7 must be Wizzrobes) and some luck to score a 0-death run. Granted I haven't completed it yet, but there is a good chance that I will beat it with 0 deaths. I am actually surprised to get this far considering that I ended up with about 60 deaths after I was done with Level 3 on my previous attempt to beat it.

    A small update:

    Gotten halfway through Level 7. That gauntlet literally is the killer. I never want to go there again.
    The Legend of Zelda: Zelda's Last Wish.
    Progress: 99% complete. (Overworld: 100%, Dungeons: 99% overall).
    ETA: Pending.
    Beta/Demo: Out now!

  7. #67
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    Ok I got through some more tonight.

    Spoiler: show
    I finished level 3 finally. It wasn't too bad since I didn't run out of bombs and I could actually reach the final boss. It's much easier to tackle with some extra hearts, the white sword, and the blue ring of course.

    Level 5. More Darknuts. So glad I did these back to back. Most frustrating moment, I never got the key above the first blue Darknut room. I had realized when I saw the key that it was just above the room I came from, but no, I didn't make the connection at all! Just missed it and didn't figure out it was missing until I got to the locked door before the boss...ugh.

    Of course to complicate things I also realized I didn't get any other item besides the Magic Boomerang so I went back and double checked all the rooms again... and finally found the Raft. Kudos on that one. You are so fixated with all the Darknut rooms that when you finally get to an easy one with just Zols you plow right through without checking for any push-blocks. After I got that I made quick work of the rest of the level and made mince-meat out of the Ghoma. Oh and those passageways that take you back to the entrance. Yeah I found the one here that did that. I have seen there are more of those. Can't wait.

    On to Level 6 tomorrow I hope.

    Oh and I have the Magical Sword now... and 19 deaths to this point.

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    Beat Level 3 this weekend. Haven't spent so much time on it. I will try out level 4 tonight.

    Spoiler: show
    Had problems getting to the Gleeok with a decent amount of hearts. Finally got to him with only three hearts and beat him with only a half a heart. It was epic. Getting the boomerang on the other hand has not gone well. Lost lots of lives lost and still no boomerang. Moving on for now.

  9. #69
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    Here's my walk-through of Level 9.

    Ninth Dungeon
    Spoiler: show
    You're going to need more bombs
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    The Ninth Dungeon is found west of the waterfall, one screen west of the one-tile river that you can cross with the ladder. There are falling boulders in the screen, and you'll need to bomb the tucked-in corner of mountain on said screen.

    Level 9 is hell in a bottle. There's really no other way to describe it. The level has tons of bosses and 'fireball plus darknut swarm' rooms, and many of the paths take you on wild goose chases before dumping you back at dungeon's start. It's incredibly vindictive.
    I couldn't navigate this dungeon; I used a path that I found by opening Example_3rd in ZQuest. If you're stuck, I recommend saving, entering the dungeon again, and using one of my paths.
    Top off ALL of your resources before entering this dungeon (including a piece of bait), and make sure you have at least 50 rupees (it'd be better to have about 100, but 50 is the minimum to avoid losing Heart Containers).
    To the Silver Arrow:
    Spoiler: show
    Up, Left, Kill Gleeok, Bomb Up, Push Stone Nearest West Door, Take Passageway, Down, Push Stone to reveal Item Room.
    On this path, you'll have to fight a four-headed Gleeok, eight Keese, an Aquamentus, and eight Blue Darknuts. In the room with the Darknuts you'll have to push on every stone until a staircase is revealed.
    Spoiler: show
    It's aligned vertically with the second left facing statue from the top and aligned horizontally with the third left facing statue from the top.

    To the Red Ring:
    Spoiler: show
    Up Left, Kill Gleeok, Left, Bomb Down, Kill Digdogger, Left, Take Passageway, Down, Take Passageway, UP!, Right, Kill Like Likes to reveal Item Room.
    If you got the Silver Arrow already then the Gleeok on this path will be gone already. The next room has eight Gibdos but you can ignore them and just bomb the south wall. The Digdogger is a little hard because there's not a lot of room to move around, but, well, its a Digdogger. In the next room fight the two slow lanmolas and push the leftmost brick to reveal a staircase. The next room is difficult: it's got a shutter door guarded by eight floating Blue Wizzrobes. Hopefully you brought a potion with you, because you need to beat them all to advance. When you go down, you'll encounter four Red Darknuts and four Red Goriyas. Waste them and push the center-left brick to reveal another passageway. You'll be in a room with two fast lanmolas. Defeat them both and then make sure to go UP! If you go down, you're going to end up back at start with nothing to show for it.
    If you went the right way, you'll be in a room with four Blue Wizzrobes and four Blue Darknuts. Beat them all to open the shutter and head east. This room is filled with Like Likes, but they're slow and you have a boomerang so you should be fine. Once they're beaten a stairwell will appear, take it and you'll find your prize: the Red Ring. I recommend saving immediately.

    To Ganon
    Spoiler: show
    Up, Up, Left, Left, Down, Down, Take Passageway, Right through Walk-through, Up, Kill Gleeok, Push Stone immediately north of West Door, Take Passageway, Down, Right, Up, Right, Take Passageway, Down, Left, Up, Left, Take Passageway, RIGHT!, Ganon, Profit.
    Unlike the other two paths, you'll be going north from the gatekeeper this time. You'll find a room with eight Blue Darknuts and fire shooters; use the Darknut Stab Exploit to defeat them without taking too much damage, then go West. Eight Keese and a locked door shouldn't slow you down (yay Magic Key!) so continue west. You'll be in a lava room with eight teleporting Red Wizzrobes. Use your ladder to avoid their first attack, beat them down for resources, and then bomb the North wall (bombing the East achieves nothing). You'll find a room with a Manhandla and three doors to choose from: Shutter, Locked, and Open. Don't go through the Open door, you'll be forced to fight a bunch of Wizzrobes to escape. You have a choice here: you can detour for the map or you can continue following the boss path.
    Here's the detour:
    Spoiler: show
    Take the Key door to the north and deal with the Vires. There's a walkthrough wall on the north, push through and you'll be in a room with two moldorms. Bomb the east wall and you'll find a room with a Big Circle Patra. Defeat it and the map is yours, then make your way back to the room where you fought Manhandla.

    Back in the room where you fought with the Manhandla, go through the shutter and you will be locked in a dark room with Abei. He demands 50 rupees or one of your Heart Containers. Pay him or save and try again when you have more rupees.
    If you paid him, continue South.
    You'll be in a room with two Zols and two Like Likes. You have to waste them, but the shutters won't open. Push on the bricks until you find one that moves and allows you to advance south.
    Spoiler: show
    It's the first brick on the right as you entered from the north

    You'll be in a room with a slow and a fast Lanmola, as well as fireball-shooting statues. Defeat them and push the south-west most brick to reveal and access a stairway. Take the passage and you'll be in a room with eight Pols Voice and a door to the north. DO NOT TAKE IT! If you do, it's back to start for you! Instead, check the east wall and you will find a walk-through wall. Blast the three Dodongos you encounter and head north.
    Do battle with the Four-Headed Gleeok, but do NOT take either of the opening shutters. They're both traps heading back to start. Instead, push up on the block closest to the west door to reveal another staircase.
    If you thought the dungeon was bad so far, it's about to get worse. Red bubbles will disable your sword as soon as you emerge from the passageway. Head south and you'll be in another room with eight Blue Darknuts and Fire Shooters. This time you'll need to bludgeon them to death with the Wand. It's the same as the Stab exploit, but a little more difficult if you got the Magic Book (since the fire will constantly damage you; that's why I recommended skipping it in Dungeon 1).
    If you defeat them without using your potion, congratulations: you are awesome. Go east.
    In this room, a screen-hog Gohma needs to be defeated. You only get a few seconds to get in a shot, because half the screen is completely unwalkable. The statues in here shoot fire too. If you manage to beat HIM, be happy in the fact that he won't ever respawn and head north.
    What's next, you ask? Why, it's a PATRA! And more fire-shooters. You're probably hurting pretty bad at this point, so go ahead and use your potion to get your sword back if you like, and kill the bug. This opens the doors, and again be grateful that this guy won't respawn. Head East.
    So you know how you probably had to use the potion, and you were relieved that you got your sword back? TOO BAD! More Red Bubbles snatch it away again. You have to wade through them to push the block and reveal a passageway, so there's virtually NO way to avoid this. Cringe, take the passageway, and continue on. You'll have to face four Blue Wizzrobes and four Gibdos; go ahead and bomb them to pieces, then head south. You'll have to face eight Like Likes; it is IMPERATIVE that you not allow them to take your shield. Use your boomerang to stun them and then bomb or wand-blast them until they are all defeated. Head west.
    Feed the Goriya and proceed north, where Blue Bubbles will restore the use of your sword (YAY!). Continue west. In the next room, fight all EIGHT BLUE WIZZROBES to reveal another stairwell; take the passage after your painful battle and you will arrive in a room with another Big Circle Patra. Your trials are almost over (and if you're suffering, make sure to beat this Patra before saving and exiting the dungeon, so that he's gone when you try again).
    Once the room has been cleared, make sure you go EAST! If you go North, you're going back to start and your trials were for nothing. If you listened to me, you will do battle with Ganon.
    Ganon is pretty difficult to locate because the corner statues are shooting fire, so this fight might be a little tougher than usual. He hasn't been amped in any way, though, so the fight should not be too hard. When you defeat him, he'll drop the Triforce of Power and you will have achieved your goal. Go North to rescue Zelda!

    Congratulations, you've finished 3rd Quest!
    Last edited by CJC; 08-21-2013 at 11:58 PM.

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    Just a reminder to participants that you should try to be through the eighth dungeon by Saturday.

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