..etc. in the code. I'd like to mostly complete these in the next two weeks so I can start integrating everything together, so the actual game logic can begin to be made.. you know, the fun part.

So.. I was sitting down today looking at what I needed to code still and what needed changing, and what needed to be written to feed code into one another so scripts could get at all that data and instances of that data along with instances of themselves (ex; battle, party menus) without causing any bugs later on and then I realized I hadn't actually done anything... :\ I think I got distracted at some point and just started looking through keyboard music and watched a Family Guy rerun..lol

Anyway, long story short, I came up with about half-a-dozen ways to do some things and couldn't decide which would be better... One of those indecisive days I wish I would of just written out a detailed todo list and go to "auto-pilot" so to speak. (I'm sure everyone's been there before)

Came back to it later to work on items and all I basically did was definitively decide that:
1) items need a spell cast id.
2) items need an effect id.
3) I need to add effects then.
4) ..Wait, I need to add general animated sprite lists first.
5) ..OK, what all needs a general list of sprites/graphics and what can be inlined (put directly into an object).
6) ..trailed off again.

Must be a case of the Mondays. Yeah.