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Thread: Attributes, Stats, & Modifiers, oh my!

  1. #21
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    Alright then. Gonna just go with how FF would of done them if the old SNES carts had more room :
    Weakness: < 0%
    Resist: > 0%
    Absorb: > 100%
    Status Imunity: 0 - 100%
    That should be able to reproduce any other system without much trouble. It's also conceivable to rewrite the damage formulas and use something other than percentages too I guess...

    Quote Originally Posted by Imzogelmo View Post
    2. Multi-elemental attacks: Again, noting the 'first match wins' standard, if a theoretical attack were to be flagged with fire and ice, and it hits a target with fire absorb and ice weakness, what should happen? In FF6, the full spell power would be absorbed by the target, as absorb has priority. It's conceivable to have it grant (2+(-4))/2 = 1/2 spell damage to the target by using multiples of 0.5 for each element involved. How do we handle multi-elementals, that is the question.
    Yeah that's a good one. .. I don't know. I guess everyone would do it differently, but I might do something like this
    -Calculate damage
    -for each % of element split the damage into that many parts and modify them based on target defense for that type.
    -add them back together again.

    Also what do you mean all three? ..All of them?
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    Also what do you mean all three? ..All of them?
    I mean that the statement in that paragraph applies to all 3 of your bullet points:

    Quote Originally Posted by Imzogelmo
    (all 3) - I like the dynamic sizes, for reasons I think I've explained already. But basically, I can imagine wanting to exceed some of those limits. Perhaps force bitwise flags if using more than 32 in a given chunk? I could live with that tradeoff. Or perhaps a mix of some bytes and some bits, up to a maximum size (which can be done via script anyway, not a problem). See my reasons below...
    (apply this to all 3: equippable-by and jobs flags, Elemental attributes, Status attributes)

    The rest up to the ---- before the Edit was exposition.

    The Edit is a separate pair of issues I was raising.

  3. #23
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    29.11%'s amazing how crazy these things get when you start picking apart every little thing. :googly:

    Anyway, at the root of these I've come up with three things that can represent both simple or complex ideas, and would (should) be enough so simulate any jrpg ever made. These are:
    *Buffs (essentially all equipment is like a buff. Easy for things like "all element resist +1" or "any/all stats +- some amounts")
    *Modifiers (Limited to a single stat, eg; hp + 10%)
    *Factors (not limited to anything, really, but require to be defined by scripts. Things like "enemy_atk_x5, exp x2" or "adds random status effect to attacks".)

    At any rate we'll have to finish the battle algorithms and logic before adding anything else.
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  4. #24
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    One last thing regarding this:

    Currently there are bits for elemental absorb, resist, null, weak. Elements seem to get most of the single bits as FF games handle it this way. When calculating combined flags all equipment etc.. is basically OR'd together - as far as I can figure this is the only way it can be done where you don't lose data.
    Also there are values for element def [-128...128), but only flags for elem_atk. This seems like the best to me also.
    Status atk, def get similar values since atk with status is not 0 or 1 (only inflict calculation results are), but either need probability or chance.

    So, any comments?

    [edit] ...I hate the small stuff sometimes... :\
    Last edited by Gleeok; 05-23-2013 at 08:27 AM.
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