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Thread: Real time online ZC drawing?

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    Real time online ZC drawing?

    Hi guys, I thought about something very exciting while dog walking today:

    You know, there are things like Google Docs, where you can edit text, spreadsheets and probably more online and share it with people so they can edit it, too, and you can do it simultaenously and you EVEN can see where others are standing in the document and see as they write.

    Now, wouldn't it be spectacular with the ZC tilepage, too?! That you export your current tilepage to such a server and you share it with people and it's FANTASTIC for group projects! Because you can edit the same tilepage and see which tile is worked on by who AND you can edit the same tile together: you see which pixel others are editing and if you are better in one aspect of spriting and your good buddy is good in another, then you can do wonders together! Like, one crafts out the shape of the NPC, other makes up the clothes, third colours it... And all rejoice! Then you import it into your tilepage!

    I think it would be great if it happened. Maybe this doesn't require any change in Z-quest.exe at all, because the web application extracts the thing out from the .qst file (OR you save the tiles as .til and later reapply the new .til), but if it requires change, then it could be implemented after 2.50 is pronto. Because Saffith once told very long ago that after 2.50, ZC will be rewritten from scratch for future versions. Then it's the time for radically new implements.
    The editing in browser surely can go like the Word and the Excel in Google Docs... Anyhow that goes. It actually would be mighty fine right in Google Docs: it could have a drawing installment next to the word and spreatsheet one and it then could be set to the resolution ZC uses (20x16 px wide, etc.).

    I thought AGN was the best place to tell about it because the devs live here and maybe some computer whizs are here. I'm web-programmer and though I'm not any good at all, I guessed this all was possible and useful.
    While writing this post, I started to have more ideas about online relations of ZC... but later about that, I will se who says what.

  2. #2
    Sir Anthony Brasel's Avatar
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    This is a really cool idea. But why limit it to tiles? Why not have some sort of way to collaborate on group quests?

    You could have a page on the Zelda Classic website where a user can create a ZQuest Collaboration Session. He creates the session and gives out the session name and password to his other collaborators. ZQuest maintains a connection to the group session repository online, informing you if your quest is being worked on by another collaborator, or who was the last to edit the quest and when that was. It could also keep a transaction or audit log of sorts, which would let you know what the last few things that were worked on.

    11/21/2012 - 12:30 PM - USER1 Created DMAP "Overworld"
    11/22/2012 - 1:30 AM - USER 2 Edited Enemy "Octorok"
    Talga Vassternich -- Deserve Victory


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    Hm, true, taking everything online would be even more useful.
    I just thought having it integrated into Google Docs would actually be possible, if it's only graphics, since it's not any different from its current Word and Excel editing, I think.

    Having the whole quest on the server would be the ultimate backup... then you download it only when you want to actually test it. OR maybe the quest is loaded into ZC directly from the net, though then internet problems are big problems. Since one great thing about ZC now is that you can make quests even when internet is off for any reason.

    Actually, if things could go online, then eventually a version could be crafted where's not only one Link, but more and friends could play the same quest.
    I think I link this here, read my posts in this thread:

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    Sir Anthony Brasel's Avatar
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    If connection issues are a problem, there could be the option of downloading the quest and marking the quest as "Checked Out". That way, a user can download the quest, other collaborators aren't able to access it until the quest is reuploaded and checked back in. The checked out status could also be overridden by the group leader. That way, if it gets checked out and a collaborator goes MIA, the group leader can check it back in and resume work.
    Talga Vassternich -- Deserve Victory


    Check out my YouTube channel! I'm doing video game reviews and retrospectives from the NES/SNES eras.
    I also now have a webpage:
    Contributor for Gaming Rebellion! Columnist of the new series Breakdown!

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