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Thread: [READ FIRST] Rules and Information

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    [READ FIRST] Rules and Information

    As you can see the old Screenshot of the Week forum has been revived. This topic will contain important information and the official rules. Please read through completely before submitting an entry and check regularly for updates as entries that do no comply will be rejected.

    ~Winning entries will be posted on the main page.~

    ~Screenshot of the Week Rules~

    1. Follow all forum rules.
    Images entered must follow the same rules as forum post. Flaming, Advertizing, etc. Submitting images containing pornography
    or in another way breaking the law will result in a ban.

    2. Entry must be your own work.
    Obvious, don't steal others work and say it's your own.

    3. Only one entry per user per week.
    If you wish to update or change your entry image make sure you clearly explain at the top when submitting the new entry.
    Multiple entries without proper explanation may be completely disregarded. Changes must be submitted before deadline.

    4. Entries cannot be wider than 600 pixels.
    If you take a shot in ZQ make sure it is an allowable size or resize it accordingly.
    Optional large versions of shots can be any size and will be linked to by your entry shot.

    5. Respect Others.
    If an entry has "No Critiques" underneath it comment with praise or nothing at all. If a shot does not say "No Critiques"
    then you are encouraged to say what you liked about the shot and what needs improving and why you voted how you did.
    This is not the place for criticism. Keep your critiques light and don't be rude.

    6. Have Fun! If you aren't having fun I WILL GANNON BAN you to the EVIL JAR!

    ~Important Information~

    * Entries For The Next Contest can be submitted as soon as the previous contest is posted.

    * To Submit An Entry. Use the new Submission Forum to submit your entries.
    To do so just reply to to the newest topic here With a Direct Link to the image.

    * You may request No Critiques. If you prefer not to receive critiques of your screenshot please say so within your entry.

    * Contests Will Be Posted ASAP if more than 3 entries have been submitted.
    If there are not enough entries the current contest may be delayed until the next Sunday. Polls will timeout within 7 days.

    ~Misc Information~

    You will notice that older contests are still around. They are locked of course and are there for your viewing pleasure.
    Last edited by SUCCESSOR; 03-13-2013 at 01:42 AM. Reason: Update

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.