So is anyone getting this on the launch date? I know a few places around here are already sold out of pre-orders. I browsed around a little but I am not sure if I am investing in one or when. I have done a lot of reading up on it and I may end up dropping the money at some point but I think I am going to wait until after the holiday season to see if any other bundle deals end up being available or at least wait until after that holiday rush.

There are a few decent games at launch though I am mainly interested in the new Mario game and whatever they may end up doing with the Zelda series. There doesn't seem to be too much more that really gets my attention other than the new tablet controller. It makes it hard to want to shell out $300-350 for the system.

So who is already planning on getting this on day one or what are your plans? Do you even plan on upgrading at all or are you going to hold out for the next-gen Xbox or PS systems?