Has anyone else made hand-drawn maps of the overworld or dungeons in the 1st quest?

I'm currently playing through the 1st quest for the first time, after I finished level one I had a difficult time finding level 2, so I was decided to search the internet for the location. I went to the forum on GameFAQS and found a topic about making your own map of the overworld it sounded like a good idea.

So I got 2 pieces of 8 1/2 by 11 drawing paper, stapled them together, and used a ruler to mark out an 8x16 grid of one inch squares, and started filling them in with colored pencils as I journeyed across Hyrule, it's actually a lot of fun. So has anyone else made their own map of Hyrule? If you have you should post pictures, that would be great! :biggrin: