Started playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2...Cid's design the best I would describe it. Also, the randomness of enemies doesn't like me...the mobs keep being 2-3 levels higher than me (maps and guides I've read give a range the levels can be. I've only seen them lower than mine in 2-3 quests so far)...Also fell miffed the Laws only affect you now (and are set for each quest and can be the quest where ya protect a AoE abilities had to use Potions for all my healing)

As for MH3U, Unlocked the 2 Star quests in teh Village and have farmed tons of armor spheres (and the +1 versions) from the free hunt (in the port) and got my armor sets (that is plural, yes) all upgraded to Lv 4+ Also, I hate Rathians and Rathalos....they are the bane of my existence in this game.....and the reason I never finished the original on PS2...