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Thread: Some General Side Scrolling Scripting Questions

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    Some General Side Scrolling Scripting Questions

    Here comes Anthus with another questions/ help thread. I just have some questions about some of the things you can do with scripting. These are very specific to a project I would like to do, but I think it would need scripting to incorporate some features. First and for most, this project would be a side scrolling quest. All of these questions pertain to that. I am not even starting this (In ZC at least) until I sort some thangs out, hence this thread. Erm, fair warning: These get more an more complex/ stupid as you go on down.

    So, for my first question. I know there is a "ladder" script, but from what I understand, for each screen with a "ladder" you need to set its start, and ending coordinates. So, if this is the case, and I could be wrong (in fact, it's almost certain) can you have more than one "ladder" per screen? Can you have a ladder that goes up or down between screens with the current script?

    Second question: Moving platforms. Can these be done with FFCs without scripting? Like, have a FFC that just moves "right" at "x" speed? I know a script would be required to have "Link" move along with it. This also means a script is likely required to have up/ down platforms? So is it possible, or is there already a script for moving platforms that move "Link" as well? This is not a requirement, but it would feel a bit more polished.

    Hmm. Okay, I asked about ladders, and moving platforms, so... Oh, my next question, is can you have an "auto scroll" level? Here's how I would like it to look, and hopefully this will help get a more accurate answer. Basically, Link, and the platform stay stationary in the center of the screen, and the surrounding "level" and obstacles moves to the left. I doubt this would be an easy thing to implement, since the solid "level" would need to be updated every frame or something. This would probably cause major lag.

    Lastly, and least likely to even materialize, is it possible to have ZC "play" pre-rendered video clips through some sort of "play-> file" command? I know it probably have to be within ZC's resolution and palette limits and all that. I feel stupid just asking since this one is probably so absurd, but I figured, if it is possible, it would be nice to know.

    Thank you.

    EDIT: I found the "moving platform" script.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthus View Post
    So, for my first question. I know there is a "ladder" script, but from what I understand, for each screen with a "ladder" you need to set its start, and ending coordinates. So, if this is the case, and I could be wrong (in fact, it's almost certain) can you have more than one "ladder" per screen? Can you have a ladder that goes up or down between screens with the current script?
    I don't know the script you're referring to. From the sound of it, though, I'm guessing you can have multiple ladders, but each needs its own FFC. I'd guess you can span screens by having one on each screen.
    If it doesn't work out, I doubt it would be hard to fix it or write another.

    Hmm. Okay, I asked about ladders, and moving platforms, so... Oh, my next question, is can you have an "auto scroll" level? Here's how I would like it to look, and hopefully this will help get a more accurate answer. Basically, Link, and the platform stay stationary in the center of the screen, and the surrounding "level" and obstacles moves to the left. I doubt this would be an easy thing to implement, since the solid "level" would need to be updated every frame or something. This would probably cause major lag.
    Depending on what exactly you want to do with it, it should be possible. The biggest problem with scrolling is that there's no good way to make enemies recognize what should be solid, so walking enemies just won't work right. Aside from that, you can probably make it work, but it won't be easy.

    Lastly, and least likely to even materialize, is it possible to have ZC "play" pre-rendered video clips through some sort of "play-> file" command? I know it probably have to be within ZC's resolution and palette limits and all that. I feel stupid just asking since this one is probably so absurd, but I figured, if it is possible, it would be nice to know.
    Nope. You could, however, just set up video frames in your tiles and draw them with DrawTile. The number of frames would be very limited, but it's about the best you can do.

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