For walking enemy weapons, there should be the following types added:

"Slash Sword"--what this does is an enemy is given a sword that it carries and every so often it will slash the sword (just like Link) rather than shoot a sword beam. It'll use a new misc sprite too in case you want it to be a different-looking sword. As for the shot type then, by default the enemy will swing the sword every time it haults. If you change it to the "Rapid Fire" shot type however, the enemy will swing the sword continuously while walking.

"Bomb Trail"--This enemy will drop a bomb on the ground (not a pick-upable item but an actual weapon) after each hault. Like one second later, it will explode.

"Super Bomb Trail"--same as previous weapon type, except with a larger explosion & slightly longer fuse time.

"Hammer"--I think enemies ought to have a hammer too. Of course, there would be a new "Enemy Hammer" sprite for it. This item, much like a Like Like enemy, will destroy Link's shield if the enemy hits Link with it. (For Link's shield items, there could even be a new misc item flag called "Can Be Broken", which refers to an enemy's hammer(just like there's an enemy flag "Shield Can Be Broken", which refers to Link's hammer). When an enemy's weapon is a hammer, it will use the hammer on each hault, despite it's shot type.

"Fire Ring"--The enemy will make a ring of I think 16 flames, just like the Fire Wizzrobe enemy. The ring will expand outward from the enemy's center to about 3 tiles away & remain on screen for a second or two.

"Weapon Touch Effects"--except for the "Eat Effects", I think you should be able to apply a touch effect to an enemy's weapon so that if a weapon hits Link, not only will it damage him, but he'll suffer an effect. The effects that would work would be:
-Lose Rupees
-Lose Magic
-Perm Jinx
-Temp Jinx
-Lose Items (that can be eaten/destroyed)

And finally...Multiple Shot Types! Simply have a "Weapon1" and "Weapon2" drop down menu. Then have a "Weapon1 Shot Type" and a "Weapon2" Shot Type. Then you could also give each weapon a chance value, making it so that the enemy is more likely to shoot one weapon over another...or you can leave the odds at 1 to 1 (making it an even 50% for each weapon). So say the enemy's weapons were "Magic" and "Arrow" and it's shot type for both were "1-shot". this would mean that for every hault, the enemy would fire either Magic or an Arrow. If the odds were 1 to 1, it'd have a 50/50 chance of shooting each. If the odds were 1 to would shoot an Arrow 90% of the time and 10% of the time shoot Magic instead. I know this could be rather complicated to implement and may cause some rather annoying bugs...but it's just a thought i'm throwing out there.