Our hero, Link, lives in a treehouse in a dark forest with his mother. I'm sure you can all relate to his situation.

Who is his mother? Her name is Elena, and the reason she lives in a dark forest is because she's a sorceress soothsayer. And that's just what sorceress soothsayers do. Elena is named after a character in The Illearth War, by Stephen R. Donaldson, who was also a sorceress of sorts. Of course, that particular Elena was a daughter, not a mother. O well.

Link's father, like many video game heroes' fathers, is a Disappeared Dad. An outlandish rumour has it that the reason he never appears is because he's not human, but a faerie prince who had a brief mortal tryst.

(Well, it does explain the pointy ears...)

As the son of a sorceress, Link has access to a magical item right from the start of the game. That item is the Cross.

You'd better not lose it!

Just like in the games Phantom Hourglass and La-Mulana, Link can listen to the recently deceased. But not if you don't have this item - so remember to take it!

And also, Link owns a Bottle. It lets him carry water and sand that he finds in the game world... among other things.

But, one substance that Link is too polite to scoop up is his mother's Elixir Soup - his favourite meal.

No matter what you've done or where you've gone, she's always got a piping hot bowl waiting for you on every visit.