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Thread: Another zelda question - - this time a hack

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    Re: Another zelda question - - this time a hack

    In the second quest 4th level, which corresponds to Venus (which also happens to be the first darknut level; what is it with this hack and early darknut levels?)
    Darknuts appeared in level three in the first Zelda.

  2. #22

    Re: Another zelda question - - this time a hack

    So any good recommendations for zelda level editors so i can fix lvl 3?

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Atoms View Post
    Well, I was playing the second quest today and while there haven't been any forgotten bosses (yet), there are bugs that disrupt the gameplay so seriously that I probably shouldn't go on without a bugfix. Lord Steak does warn that the second quest hasn't been completely bugtested in the readme that comes with the IPS patch. Well sure enough, there are issues there.

    In the second quest 4th level, which corresponds to Venus (which also happens to be the first darknut level; what is it with this hack and early darknut levels?), the raft is in a passageway but it is unreachable, stuck in the wall. Now there's nothing inherently wrong with items being in passageways, it happens enough in this hack's first quest as well as in the Outlands that we know it can work. But here, the raft is misplaced, and so it's stuck in the wall where you can't get it. What's more, after you come up the other end of that passageway, where you come out after you're intended to get the raft on the way through, you end up stuck in the upper-left-hand corner of the screen. (Continue bug anyone?) Not in the upper-left-hand corner of the dungeon wall, but the corner of the screen, where your map display is. I could try to get around this with my dungeon editor but that would need more knowledge of obscure things about ROM editing than I care to learn. Besides, heaven only knows how many bugs of this nature are in the later levels.

    I can't help but get the feeling that I'm the first one to ever get this far in SZD because as far as I know this hack hasn't been maintained by anyone at all. There's next to no discussion of it online, no official site, no boards, no nothing. Either Lord Steak or someone should have seen to it that this became better known, because a two-quest redesign of LOZ shouldn't have had these bugs sitting around for four years.
    yeah bummer. I too recently have interest in fixing a bunch of the problems with that game.
    I've produced at least two bug fixed versions of SZD in my spare time. the second bug fix edition of SZD that I've just completed has the level 4 problems in the 2nd quest resolved. I converted the passageway from a two-way tunnel to a one-way tunnel in that level so that the raft can be collectible.

    about that level 4 "out of place" problem in the 2nd quest that has Zelda being placed at the very top left hand corner of the screen. that also occurs in level 5 of the 2nd quest with two of the passageways there; btw, lvl 5 of the 2nd quest is in the same exact location of the overworld map as in the 1st quest. I was able to fix those lvl 5 problems as well.

    now I just need to fix the problems with level 9 of the 2nd quest. one particular room in lvl 9 there seems to make the game crash when entering that room from the south. also if you enter lvl 9 in the 2nd quest without all 8 pieces of the triforce AND you enter the room with the old man not letting you pass w/out the full triforce, you'll be stuck there because all four shutter doors are closed and that shutter door that you went through from the lvl9 dungeon entrance closes behind you. only way to get out of lvl 9 is to use the continue/save code or commit suicide by attacking the old man and getting hit by those energy beams. I find that uncool to be stuck in lvl 9 there like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by ForestOfOctober View Post
    Im having difficulty finding the items that are in these dungeons...
    if it seems that you have been to all the rooms, double-check, backtrack and try to push any walls or bomb them in any dungeon room. you may unexpectedly walk through a wall or a hole may appear when you bomb a wall and you will discover a room that you haven't been to before. I learned about this when playing Gamemakr24's Zelda Challenge Outlands hack. I eventually found all the essential items in all those dungeons in Shin Zelda Densetsu.

    Quote Originally Posted by ForestOfOctober View Post
    So any good recommendations for zelda level editors so i can fix lvl 3?
    two of them I can recommend, ForestOfOctober. Euclid's Zelda 1 Dungeon Editor or Dungeon Master by iLab/snarfblam, the creator of Zelda Tech.

  4. #24
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    Hey, it's nice to see someone else who's serious about getting this to work. Here are a few places I'd recommend to let people know about your bugfix:

    The Zophar Domain Forums

    The Acmlm Forums

    The Badderhacks Forums
    (SZD isn't really a badderhack, but I am most active there)

  5. #25
    sorry for not being here for several weeks. I've had a busy holiday schedule with my family and relatives. And I also had to re-do the first two bug-fixed releases of SZD that I made several times; I had to decide which fixes to include and which ones to leave out.

    In the first bug fix release, I've added a new heart container room on the overworld map so that there will be a total of 5 heart containers to collect in the 1st quest instead of 4; look for the new heart container room in the overworld where you encounter 12 white Armos statues, touch one of them to reveal a stairway to access it. And I also fixed the missing level 3 boss problem in the 1st quest.

    EDIT: removed links to bug fix release 1 of SZD. obtain the newer bug fix release in my latest post below.

  6. #26
    You could always look for the flag in memory for if all enemies are dead and the doors should be opened. And then set that to true. Or try to get a walk upwards through walls code.....

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by yuanyelss View Post
    You could always look for the flag in memory for if all enemies are dead and the doors should be opened. And then set that to true. Or try to get a walk upwards through walls code.....
    um, I'm not sure what you are talking about, yuanyelss. be more specific in what your saying and where exactly the issue in the game is found.

    Note to Sam Atoms: bug fix release 2 of Shin Zelda Densetsu is now ready. here are the sites to get them:
    (zip file containing IPS patch file with changelog text file)
    (IPS patch file only; no changelog)

    You should now see a big difference in this one, especially the level 4 "out of place" problem and the "uncollectible" raft problem for the 2nd quest. go back to where level 4 is and to the hidden room where you collect the raft. it should now work as expected and now the 2nd quest should be able to be completed.

    issues/problems remaining to fix for the next bug fix release:
    -when entering level 9 (or level "Jupiter") in the 2nd quest [assuming you have not collected all 8 pieces of the Triforce] and you enter the room where the old man tells you if you don't have the Triforce, you won't go through the shutter doors, ALL FOUR shutter doors are permanently closed and you either have to use the Continue/Save/Retry code or let the old man zap you (until you're dead) to get out. UNCOOL!
    -buying bombs at a merchant shop does NOT work correctly; you are supposed to receive 4 additional bombs when buying them but instead the bomb counter instantly goes to 0 [yup, you lose ALL your bombs when you touch the bomb item] and you hold the bomb item up high (as if you are collecting it); that sure feels like a 20 rupee "rip-off"
    -there are a total of SIX heart containers that you can collect in the 2nd quest (not five); 3 of them can be found in the graveyard areas and the other 3 are found in far separated areas in the overworld; I will have to change one of the heart container rooms into something else

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    Quote Originally Posted by erpster79 View Post
    um, I'm not sure what you are talking about, yuanyelss. be more specific in what your saying and where exactly the issue in the game is found.

    Note to Sam Atoms: bug fix release 2 of Shin Zelda Densetsu is now ready. here are the sites to get them:
    (zip file containing IPS patch file with changelog text file)
    (IPS patch file only; no changelog)

    You should now see a big difference in this one, especially the level 4 "out of place" problem and the "uncollectible" raft problem for the 2nd quest. go back to where level 4 is and to the hidden room where you collect the raft. it should now work as expected and now the 2nd quest should be able to be completed.

    issues/problems remaining to fix for the next bug fix release:
    -when entering level 9 (or level "Jupiter") in the 2nd quest [assuming you have not collected all 8 pieces of the Triforce] and you enter the room where the old man tells you if you don't have the Triforce, you won't go through the shutter doors, ALL FOUR shutter doors are permanently closed and you either have to use the Continue/Save/Retry code or let the old man zap you (until you're dead) to get out. UNCOOL!
    -buying bombs at a merchant shop does NOT work correctly; you are supposed to receive 4 additional bombs when buying them but instead the bomb counter instantly goes to 0 [yup, you lose ALL your bombs when you touch the bomb item] and you hold the bomb item up high (as if you are collecting it); that sure feels like a 20 rupee "rip-off"
    -there are a total of SIX heart containers that you can collect in the 2nd quest (not five); 3 of them can be found in the graveyard areas and the other 3 are found in far separated areas in the overworld; I will have to change one of the heart container rooms into something else

    Sounds like good work. If Lord Steak ever heard about this, he would be proud.

    By the way, I tried the original (unbugfixed) hack in Macifom, just in case it made a difference in the level 3 boss room. Nope; looks like he really forgot to put in the dungeon boss for the room (which, I assume, should be a two-headed gleeok).

    Which brings me to a good general tip for people making hacks, quests, or anything else. When you're ready to release your final version, before you do so, play-test it yourself from start to finish, just to make absolute sure it's beatable. Your players will have a much better attitude toward you if you don't vanish off into the night with a killing bug left in.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by erpster79 View Post
    um, I'm not sure what you are talking about, yuanyelss. be more specific in what your saying and where exactly the issue in the game is found.

    Note to Sam Atoms: bug fix release 2 of Shin Zelda Densetsu is now ready. here are the sites to get them:
    (zip file containing IPS patch file with changelog text file)
    (IPS patch file only; no changelog)

    You should now see a big difference in this one, especially the level 4 "out of place" problem and the "uncollectible" raft problem for the 2nd quest. go back to where level 4 is and to the hidden room where you collect the raft. it should now work as expected and now the 2nd quest should be able to be completed.

    issues/problems remaining to fix for the next bug fix release:
    -when entering level 9 (or level "Jupiter") in the 2nd quest [assuming you have not collected all 8 pieces of the Triforce] and you enter the room where the old man tells you if you don't have the Triforce, you won't go through the shutter doors, ALL FOUR shutter doors are permanently closed and you either have to use the Continue/Save/Retry code or let the old man zap you (until you're dead) to get out. UNCOOL!
    -buying bombs at a merchant shop does NOT work correctly; you are supposed to receive 4 additional bombs when buying them but instead the bomb counter instantly goes to 0 [yup, you lose ALL your bombs when you touch the bomb item] and you hold the bomb item up high (as if you are collecting it); that sure feels like a 20 rupee "rip-off"
    -there are a total of SIX heart containers that you can collect in the 2nd quest (not five); 3 of them can be found in the graveyard areas and the other 3 are found in far separated areas in the overworld; I will have to change one of the heart container rooms into something else

    All of these links seem to be dead. Is there anohter place to get them? Thanks

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Atoms View Post
    Sounds like good work. If Lord Steak ever heard about this, he would be proud.

    By the way, I tried the original (unbugfixed) hack in Macifom, just in case it made a difference in the level 3 boss room. Nope; looks like he really forgot to put in the dungeon boss for the room (which, I assume, should be a two-headed gleeok).

    Which brings me to a good general tip for people making hacks, quests, or anything else. When you're ready to release your final version, before you do so, play-test it yourself from start to finish, just to make absolute sure it's beatable. Your players will have a much better attitude toward you if you don't vanish off into the night with a killing bug left in.

    Is there any place else that has a fix for this? None of the links above work, and cant seem to find it. Thanks

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