Quote Originally Posted by Revfan9 View Post
Last time I read up on my copyright law, possessing any copyrighted ROM image on your PC which you did not backup yourself is illegal. I could be wrong though, I'm not good at remembering things like that. I would look it up if I cared enough.

Then again, it's not like you're ever going to get any charges pressed against you for downloading ROMs. If they're going to go after anyone, it's going to be the huge sites that give out millions of files every day. They've simply got bigger fish to fry.
Yes, Revfan, as has been stated countless times already, it is illegal to possess any ROM image which you did not rip yourself. On the other hand, you're right, you're unlikely to have charges pressed against you, and especially if you've already compensated the developers for their effort, who gives a shit?