As of August 18th, 2010.

Name: Alex.
Age: 20. 12/04/89.
Location: Lake Delton, WI.
Pets: Three cats, and two dogs.
Siblings: None :[
Favorite Movie: Kick-Ass, Superbad, The Big Lebowski, War of the Worlds.
Favorite Band: Protomen, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Metallica, Scorpions, Guns n Roses, Journey, And a very wide assortment of video game music from original NES stuff, to orchestrations, and remixes, and back again.
Favorite Sport: I don't liek sports. I prefer just going outside, and walking around.
Favorite Food: Quite possibly Chili. Anything in that neighborhood.
Occupation: Salad guy at a restaurant. Good times.