Name: James Faustner
Age: 19 (20 soon, woo) DOB: 5/21/88 [a day after Dechipher, ftw]
Location: Moorestown, PA [an hour away from Philly, all farm land though]
Pets: 2 Dogs [Roxy and Romeo], and however many cats live on the property
Siblings: 3 Sisters, 1 Step-Brother, 1-Brother-In-Law [to be] and 1-Sister-In-Law [to be]
Favorite Movie: I really did like the first Matrix
Favorite Band: The Black Mages, as well as VALVe's audio team
Favorite Sport: Airsoft
Favorite Game: Retro Final Fantasy's, Smash Bros, Half-Life [2], Counter-Strike, Shattered Earth and various MUDs.
Favorite Food: Porkroll + Cheese Sandwiches
Occupation (if student, area of study): Down Picker at Phillip's Feed
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: I don't know if I put that I'm engaged in the last one, also got a new job [no more lame fedex for me].