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Thread: The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread

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    On top of the world ShadowTiger's Avatar
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    Post The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread

    All of the other threads have all manner of miscellanea in them, and I can't really see them staying on topic to seriously discuss Brawl and Brawl alone.

    NOTE: Repost your Brawl Friend Codes in this thread as well! (And here is the Wii Number thread, should you require it.)

    I'll repost everyones' Brawl Friend Codes in here, (Alphabetically, sweet.) and I hope we can all get into some serious discussion about the game, our play styles, our play times, and so on. If you want to post any information you need others to know, such as your Brawl friend code, your Wii number, and your available times, just put it in red or something or tell me, and I'll copypaste it into this post.

    Brawl: 3609-0730-6724

    Brawl: 5455-9099-2255

    Brawl: 3179-5740-9456

    Brawl: 5241-1633-6193

    Brawl: 0473-7444-0741

    Brawl: 0473-7474-1514

    Brawl: 4081-5199-7617

    Brawl: 4725-7606-3489
    Main Characters: Zero Suit Samus, Falco, Link, Captain Falcon, Marth.
    Online Times: Any evening, Saturday afternoons.

    Brawl: 4167-4206-0085

    Brawl: 2578-2774-1294

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    Re: The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread.

    In the other thread, I will keep the added names in the order that they were added, so that we can keep track of who we have not added, that was a mouthful.

    ST and myself are planning a match for tonight, 11:40 Eastern time.

    I will be setting up the server, and everyone can feel free to connect.

    After work, I will take the necessary time to ensure that my wireless connection is fully optimized.

    In terms of who I usually play with...bah, I dunno. This is my first generation of Smash, so that could vary.

    In terms of when I am available, I will just leave that up to setting up times and dates for tournaments or whatever. It varies also.

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    On top of the world ShadowTiger's Avatar
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    Re: The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread

    Awesome. Feel free to edit the first post as you see fit as well, of course. (Though rest assured, the BB tags are my department. ;-D eheheh. I like 'em.)

    My current main, ... well, to be brutally honest, I really don't have one. At all. I'm still working my way through Subspace Emissary on Hard, (Don't even ask me about my current percentage complete; I have no recollection at the moment, but I have Metaknight, Ike, and Marth.) and am practicing against the Level 9 CPU's as much as I can stand. I'm at the point in which I'm taking two deaths on average from a five stock match against level eights, but the level nines still kick mine arse around the arena many times over before I've had the chance to KO them even thrice. Bastards.

    Zero Suit Samus is looking to be my main. Unfortunately, they have absolutely mutilated the (Non-ZSS) Samus that I know and love from Melee, (DEFINITELY my primary main.) so much so, that I almost loathe getting a Smash Ball. It ends up being a KO move only. Then I have refamiliarized myself with Falco, (Another of my primary mains from Melee.) and have uncovered a few interesting, very swift combos. Marth is, well, ... Marth. What else can I say? :p

    EDIT: I just wrote this to a good friend in a PM, and I'd feel awful about holding it back from people. It's not that much, but it may help save a life or two.

    He's actually really, really good in Brawl. He was spectacular in Melee if you used a lot of SHFFL'ing, (Short Hop, Free-Fall, (Press Down when at the pinnacle of your jump to fall faster to hit the ground faster. Also available in Brawl, thank goodness.) L-Cancel, (Cancels your landing animation, which isn't available in Brawl, but isn't necessary anymore.) but in Brawl, his attacks hit harder and more apparent-ly. Use his Bair (Back-Air) attack often, (The Helicopter kick.) against people often, followed by a grab, if you land behind them. Great combo.

    Do be wary of the spin attack on the ground though. It can be dodged easily enough, and will leave you quite vulnerable. Rather, try to be in the air a lot, and use the boomerang from the air, aimed at your opponents, OR in the opposite angle from them, and land with an attack that'd toss them into its path.

    Also, his arrows have been significantly buffed AND nerfed. For one, they move faster. This is a good thing and a bad thing, because although they have less time to dodge, it also is released faster, so it's harder to get it to go where you want them to go without already being in the line of fire.

    Bombs are -VERY- useful in Brawl, as compared to the other games. I should mention that you should generally have a bomb in your hand when you have higher damage, because if it explodes in your hand while you're attempting to make the perilous journey back to the ledge, you get another chance to use your Up+B to recover again after you supposedly used it the first time. They also do knock people back quite a bit, when thrown at peoples' feet. Do spam the bomb and the boomerang, particularly in conjunction with one another. They ... ... affect each other. ;-D Heheh.
    And now for something on Snake. I just unlocked him yesterday, I think, and have been toying around with him ever since. It does indeed seem that at least half of even his A moves include some sort of arsenal weapon of his. I haven't been using his grenades that much, as I'm more of a closer range tactical Martial Arts fighter, (Marth, Falco, ZSS... ...) nor his Nikita, (At least effectively; I still get lucky with it against people returning onto platforms.) but his mines. Oh my god, his mines are spectacular. ... And he has TWO Of them. His Downsmash will (Eventually) plant a mine in the ground. It's a timed proximity mine, with no ability to differentiate between friend or foe. So yeah, don't go near it once you've planted it. You can also charge it for some reason, (Not sure how you'd charge a landmine, but whatever.) and as always, you have to wait for that magic "Click" sound before it's properly activated. Snake's Downsmash is definitely, definitely not meant for close quarter action, let me tell you. Leave that to your downtilt and forwardtilt.

    Then, his other mine, his Down+B move, plants a C4 under you. You can even drop it from midair. It's only slightly easier to see than your Downsmash mine, but isn't easily dispelled. You can even plant it on a person's head if you're standing close enough, and can then use it whenever you want to create an explosion wherever they are. (Feel free to cackle cruelly when you do this. You've earned the right to at that point.) ... Right. So definitely use both of the mines in conjunction with one another, and do be as sneaky as possible. Both can only be planted on the floor, so keep that in mind.

    Then you've got his Nikita missile launcher. It's actually pretty effective at doing what it's supposed to do. In straight lines, it doesn't travel slowly at all. When turning though, it slows to a crawl. Making a full 360 turn takes about .. four seconds, maybe? Maybe. However, pressing the Shield button will cause it to fall almost vertically down to whatever is available to hit beneath it. That feature alone makes the Nikita a very versatile weapon, because its potential for destruction continues even when you cancel out of the control of the missile. It's like instantly causing the missile to fall straight down to an opponent. So yes, feel free to spam this as much as you'd like, so long as you know where the best place for the missile to land will be.

    His A moves are pretty good. I find his Fair (Forward-Aerial attack.) to be a pretty damn powerful one, though difficult to execute. It works sort of like Ike's ... well, anything. There's a very long delay, and then his legs snap downward to propel his foe upward by quite a bit. Use this often, because it's extraordinarily powerful.

    Then you have his Upsmash. It too is quite versatile. He fires a rocket almost entirely vertically. Two things however. You can charge it for increased distance. Its most powerful charge actually flies a VERY long way away, vertically. That makes it one of the best upsmashes in the game, as a totally separate attack you can unleash from below. You seem to get "lucky" with it quite often as well, though I suppose it's easily air dodged. Second, ... ... gravity pwns. It falls back down if it doesn't hit anything, which means you have a second chance to hit something with it. Good stuff. Good, good stuff.

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    Re: The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread

    Ah, Brawl...
    I can't get on till the weekend, but I'll post my codes then.
    I'm currently 42% through SSE, just got Ice Climbers and Lucario.

    My Main was planned and still is Meta Knight. (I said was because some people have been calling him cheap, and I just want to verify that I was planning on him since the beginning, not just since he was "good")
    Sideways drill-dash is excellent recovery, and his A-Sword is amazing.

    Seconds include Sonic (who I don't have, but know I'm going to love) and Pokemon Trainer, who's just so versatile it's fun. :)
    I've been fiddeling with Ike as well, and he seems good so far. (GREEEEAT AETHER!)

    As for play times, as mentioned pretty much the weekend. More likely mid-afternoon then evening.

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    Re: The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread

    I don't have the game, but I've been playing my friend's and I enjoy being R.O.B. :)

    Mainly because I remember him from the 80's.

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    Patra vegeta1215's Avatar
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    Re: The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread

    I've only played the game a bit, and I'm enjoying it so far, but I haven't been able to play online yet. Either the servers are overloaded right now, or my wireless signal is too poor (I am on the opposite side of the house).

    btw, thought Nintendo's stupidity ended with friend codes? Think again. Go try to back up your valuable save file onto and SD card...

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    On top of the world ShadowTiger's Avatar
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    Re: The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread

    ... what seriously?

    I really won't (Can't. :p ) deny that Meta Knight is indeed a lot of fun. He's pretty "cheap," but is also surprisingly stoppable. I was facing one of my SSBM-Pro friends, playing as Marth, and he really doesn't have a hard time combating Meta Knight. Particularly if you're fast enough.

    Played a bit of Ike today. Found myself mostly rearing up for Fair attacks from afar. It's not so much that he's not a character for me, but he's just so risky to use. It's more or less the same vulnerability you'd experience lifting a magazine cart above your head to hit someone with. You can be stabbed easily while lifting it above your head. Obviously.

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    Re: The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by vegeta1215 View Post
    I've only played the game a bit, and I'm enjoying it so far, but I haven't been able to play online yet. Either the servers are overloaded right now, or my wireless signal is too poor (I am on the opposite side of the house).

    btw, thought Nintendo's stupidity ended with friend codes? Think again. Go try to back up your valuable save file onto and SD card...
    Yeah, that shit is pretty gay. They could make so much money by making a fucking hard drive...I don't download a whole lot of virtual console games, but I am rapidly running out of space...

    Wiiware games are going to kill me, so hopefully they will have a solution by then.

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    Re: The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread

    I, like Amaster, can't get on until this weekend, but I'll post my friend code when I can.

    And I wouldn't really consider Meta Knight as cheap. Sure, he's good, but can easily be defeated.
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_nog View Post
    Well of course eveything's closed for Easter - don't you know of the great Easter tradition of people barricading themselves up to protect themselves from the return of Zombie Christ?

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    Re: The Official Super Smash Bros Brawl Thread

    Been dabbling with Sonic a bit. Sonic is, of course, amazingly fast, but he doesn't have a whole lot of "oopmh." I've found that comboing from a spin dash into a Fair or Uair is a nice tactic that deals quite a nice bit of damage.

    My only problem really is that for some godawful reason, I have about a quarter-second to half-second lag playing online, which makes timing anything a huge pain in the ass, particularly for a character like Sonic. I don't know what's going on, as anything I else I play has no lag whatsoever. I changed my wireless router's channel, forwarded every applicable port I could think of, but my ping seems to be in the orange no matter what I do... if this keeps up, I may have to give up on Online play.
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