Hahaha, Bee Smoker... cool. Gotta give it a try.

Okay... I've tried it, and I have to say...

The overworld is nicely made and I just love the design of the Mystic Forest, but if there's
no real location for tile warps (yet) in a public version, they should

a) not exist
b) be blocked by unwalkable combos

So I had to restart and restart the game all the time again because of my curiosity (hey, what's over there?).
And how do I save? I'm not familiar with this new system with no continue menu.

Also I couldn't find the damn scrubs. I suck.

YAY I found a triforce piece! (or some other random triangle thing. What do you think it is) Anyway, I got stuck inside some brush and got to restart. Boo hoo.