I don't understand. The way script warps were explained was (dmap,screen). If I do anything besides (10,32) for example it doesn't compile. I am horrible at hex but I thought hex is increments of 15 but there are 16x8 collections of screens on one map. In the tile or side warp menu if you want to warp to screen 20, you simply type in 20. What do you set it to in script, 1f???

You're under no obligation to use hex, warping to screen 0x10 is the same as warping to screen 16.
I'm completely lost here, unless the x, in 0x10 does something. (again ) in my script the or statements are 01-77. Hmm, so f ==15, and 10 ==16. So 1f ==31 and 20 == 32. so screen 20 == 14...WTF ever...i'm no programmer. ...I think that's right at least.

Warping outside the dungeon dmap 8x8 grid is not really an option because it does not map the rooms and the link minimarker is way off the screen. Of course I have the dmap offset slider thingy set at o also.

EDIT: Well...let me put it this way;


x == we wan't to warp there.
o == Bad! very bad!

I guess I am still understanding that o's are 8-f, which apperently is false.

EDIT: I have given up on any sort of warp script. I worked up some others and no longer need it. If anyone needs it just alter one of the scripts posted in this thread.