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Thread: Sentiments about the state of AGN

  1. #1
    Ara? Mitsukara's Avatar
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    Sentiments about the state of AGN

    So, I could go into a really elaborate attempt to describe what I recall of AGN's history here. I won't, because that would obscure the point I'm going to try to make, it would be boring, and it would likely be inaccurate. Instead I will insert references to things as relevant to my general point, minor examples on the side for you to consider or ignore as you please.

    What I'm going to do is basically express something really general that I feel has always been an issue, but not try to cite examples to back that sentiment up because I haven't the enthusiasm for it.

    AGN has been a good community at times. It's inadvertently had huge effects on my life, and sometimes so for others as well; but mostly it's just a place where people hang out and talk. That's well and good. Many smart, clever, cool people have come and gone here.

    Unfortunately, AGN has never, ever had structure, balance, or fairness. There were times when it was reasonably well managed, namely with Shadowblazer and Eckels handling things, but they've moved on to dealing with real life, and good for them. But as a community, AGN has always been skewed. War Lord cares just enough to own the place and try to keep it up and "alive", but has never really tried to make it a good forum community in my opinion; originally his friends were given leeway to do whatever they wished and consequences be damned, even if they were morons (anyone remember Frost?). This is not good management and it was harmful to the community. Since then, the problem has shifted around to different sources over time, but the consistant theme that remains is unbalance, unfairness, and always at least one petty, stupid feud going on. This continues today.

    Sure, there are "terms of service" and it sounds well and good, but having rules, practicing them, and furthermore making the right compromises to maintain a peaceful, fair, friendly environment, are all quite separate things. AGN has never once succeeded at the latter, although the huge influx of people in 2001 combined with a lack of developed bad blood and bad staff helped keep things nicer for a time (not that I'm saying the present staff- what little seems to exist of it- is in any way bad, but there have been some very dubious examples. Mercy comes to mind in particular, and while I've come to respect him as a person and the general mythos about him is greatly exaggerated, Breaker was indeed a "strong arm" and has expressed, directly, that he doesn't care about the good of the community a whit).

    AGN has never been friendly. The chat was a childish dictatorship until people lost interest so much that the thing has pretty much withered and died. The forums are little better, save that people have cared enough- many of them only due to rose-tinted memories and desire to talk to somebody in a semi-active forum for the heck of it- to actually still attend. A very few people. AGN has lost easily 2/3rds of it's long-time regulars; here's a list from memory. To add to the fun, I'll put a mark by any person that was gone for any significant chunk of time:

    Phantom Menace
    (my memory fails)
    Warlock (see above)
    Sarria (orignally known as Skeeve22, also KingArthur)
    Jennifer (Originally known as Tails)*
    Glenn the Great*
    Lilith (Originally known as QueenXaviera)
    Kariqual Insanity
    Darth Chronic*
    (?) (Hello, sorry if I'm a bit rude to you with all this XD)
    Mercy (Some abscenses are good in the opinions of some)
    Ibis, God of Magicks
    (for personal reasons not pertaining wholly to the nature of the forums... although that likely didn't help)
    Dark Templar
    TGF Guy
    JJ Maxx
    (I think that was his name? The old moderator guy?)
    Dark Nation (?)
    Zaphod Q. IX (Did I mention some abscenses are good?)
    Aegix Runestone(?)
    ShadowTiger (originally known as BrittainHero4)
    Goki (?)*
    Aegix Drakan (sorry!)

    I could try to go on, but I think it makes enough of a point that I can think of 20 regular members who are long gone and not as many who are regulars now.

    AGN can be a nice place to talk, now and then. But ultimately, there keeps being some stupid drama, etc. etc, bannings, etc. etc, bullshit, on and on. This cannot be blamed entirely on individuals' personal problems, although they certainly play a part in it.

    The thing is, the community is not really fair, not really balanced. Sure, Glenn has flaws, but all present drama is tainted by old experiences; there's this huge, glaring assumption by most that he will never, ever change. He's not even allowed to anymore. Punishments and warnings are doled out on reputation, not on legitimate, fresh experiences. No one tries to keep an open mind or perspective.

    There are almost no staff members. It's not even really a staff, it's just a couple of people running things the way they personally feel is right. That's well and good, but that's how AGN's always been run, and it's not well and good at all; it's crap. AGN should have a real staff, with real rules, with real "clean slates", open process, and input allowed by all members.

    Also daunting AGN is a lack of purpose. ZC was a hell of a purpose, yes, and the program is still being improved, but it's not enough to make the community work anymore; it's old news. Real old. 5 years+ old. Shattered Earth, frankly, always struck me as unambitious, uncreative, and unstable, and it never improved and collapsed pretty quickly and easily; it's pretty damn dead now. The whole "Classic NES site" thing is a neat idea, but (A) it's been done, elsewhere, better, many times, and (B) we lack the real staff and enthusiasm to actually make such a thing worthwhile in it's own right.

    Finally daunting AGN is a lack of stability. I'm sorry, but to be totally blunt, is a piece of shit. It's updated annually, has a broken quest database, and not only features ancient versions of ZC in it's downloads area, but no clues as to how to find the super-secret hidden legendary mystical betas that can only be found via tiny-ass link on the forums. You expect people to find out and be interested by this?

    Add to that the weak traffic of the forums and growing lack of interest, and frankly, AGN's starting to look like nothing more than a zombie of what it used to be.

    Split off from AGN are many communities that are doing far better than it is, it seems. Gaming Universe and PureZC in particular come to mind; Kenage pretty much has to hide out and change her name to get away from this place, at that, and I find that sad; but yes, her forums are much nicer than these, too, and have more activity. Hell, while their site may be faulty, it's sadly a much, much better Zelda Classic resource than At least you can actually, y'know, download custom quests and tilesets and stuff there. While I don't frequent it, I have to say their chat's looking a lot more lively and nice than AGN's has in 5 years, too.

    In other words, what Breaker said to me some time ago is exactly right: "AGN is a small and dying forum." The thing is, it's dying because it lacked self-control in the first place, which lead to shooting itself in the foot repeatedly, then it curled up and waited to die while occasionally having violent tremors that seem like wild, far-out parties from it's perspective.

    I hang around- and I use that term loosely given how I pretty much just randomly pop in when I feel like it- only because of nostalgia (which is never really satisfied by such visits) and because, at least for the time being, there's a few regulars around who might give interesting responses to stuff I say. Maybe.

    My thought, then, is that if anyone cares enough to stop AGN from continuing this downward spiral until it crumbles altogether, then not only say so, but start doing something about it while you have some sort of a chance. AGN needs a staff, if the current staff is willing to work with it's people enough to enlarge (I recommend trying to do so fairly, like letting people request it, considering it, evaluating it, and making an open process of the whole decision; no BS random admin'ing of people you happen to like); there are people here who, if they cared, were interested, maybe brainstormed, could come up with ideas together for some kind of real projects or purposes to the site; and for god's sakes, does no one exist that can fix The site is just plain awful, and it's doing ZC a disservice just by existing in such a state.

    These are just my thoughts. Do with them what you will.

    P.S., I'm not officially sure who did that although it's pretty easy to guess, but I disincluded Amber because I didn't want to "drag her into" my little AGN rant, as I consider her a good friend. I was also trying to list main regulars that people would remember; Amber posted less than a hundred times if memory serves. Editing someone else's post without announcement in some kind of strange attempt to make a personal jab is sure kindly, professional, and mature, though.

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    Administrator Breaker's Avatar
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    Re: Sentiments about the state of AGN

    Mercy is quite female. I've met her in person.

  3. #3
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    Re: Sentiments about the state of AGN

    I made the point a while ago about the lack of staff, but unfourtunately, I'm not the linguist that you are.

    It was popular for a day and then died. I hope that this gathers some attention because it really is pathetic what this forum is turning into.
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    Patra Beldaran's Avatar
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    Re: Sentiments about the state of AGN

    I saw what Breaker wrote before he edited it out, and basically he called us all prepubescent idiots and/or adults whose testicles have yet to drop.

    So clearly it is our immaturity that has killed AGN, and not people like Breaker.

    Apparently if you don't enjoy getting treated like crap from some keyboard cowboy like Breaker, it means your testicles haven't dropped.

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    Re: Sentiments about the state of AGN

    A lot of people have offered assistance by showing interest in moderating, helping restore/fix the QDB, and unfortunately most offerings have been ignored. It's no wonder that people feel AGN is in this position.

    Thank you Jennifer for sharing your thoughts here. I can only hope eventually these types of threads will lead to some sort of change to help various parts of AGN get back on its feet.

  6. #6
    Karate guys for cash. Aegix Drakan's Avatar
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    Re: Sentiments about the state of AGN

    hhmm...Jen has a point.

    AGN is kinda falling apart. Some kind of action should be taken to prevent it from completely going to pieces.

    And as far as I can tell AGN has never been very nice. But that can be countered by the fact that there are genuinely nice people here *nods towards ST, Prrkitty, and Jen, and the other great people*.

    I just want to know how it can be fixed, and what we can all do about it. I don't want this site to die out.

    BTW, in case anyone wondred I am NOT Aegix Runestone.
    Quote Originally Posted by phattonez
    AGN is not meant for people who have lives. Come back home, turn the lights off and stare in awe at the glow that comes from the monitor.
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    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    Re: Sentiments about the state of AGN

    That is a good read there and it makes many valid points. I also wish I was on that list since I've been coming here since I registered, but meh. That's not the real issue here. The real issue is making AGN a better place for the people who come to have fun and all that good stuff. Such a solution will not come easily though as it must be something everyone can agree on which will not be easy.

    On a side note: I forgot how creepy Breaky's avatar is. It look like he'll bite my head off if I let my guard down.
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    Re: Sentiments about the state of AGN

    IMO, the most important thing AGN needs right this second is an ambitious and active staff. Administrators practically do not exist (save War Lord who is slowly stabilizing the new QDB, Warlock who inhabits the gaming forum often, and Dark Nation who is helping with the ZC betas). But as I take a look at the Forum Leaders, I do not even know half of them, and a half of the ones I know, I never knew were mods since they don't [seem] to do much.

    Jennifer, you make very excellent points. I'd love to see AGN become magnificent again, and I would do whatever I could, but there are no opportunities for people like me to do anything. For example, I and Rocksfan have, over the past 2 years, volunteered numerously to help fix and/or the new QDB, but the site of course is a sad project today.

    The same pattern has occurred in the development of ZC 2.5. Thankfully Freedom gave the devs a kick in the butt (more so _L_ than the rest), and it is becoming more and more stable.
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    Wizrobe phattonez's Avatar
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    Re: Sentiments about the state of AGN

    ^^Umm, Lilith hasn't even posted in this thread.

    So Breaker, only the cool people have left? AGN is just a nerd haven? Maybe goKi was right and we should just let AGN die because otherwise we aren't cool, and then what will our lives be?
    invincible - "Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and everyone thinks that theirs is the only one that doesn't stink."

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  10. #10
    On top of the world ShadowTiger's Avatar
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    Re: Sentiments about the state of AGN

    It was sort of discouraging to have seen Breaker's original post before the edit. (I got there not one minute after he'd posted.) I've seen a lot of very encouraging posts from him in certain places, but that was just awkward to read...

    It's really, really nice that so many people are so pro-AGN's future. It's certainly understandable to some degree that people grow up and have lives, or grow tired of a place. Eight or nine years of a forum must grow tiring on a person. (AGN existed in a certain form before 2000.) Just, .. if you don't want to be bothered about it, set someone up who wouldn't mind being bothered with it.

    ^^Umm, Lilith hasn't even posted in this thread.
    Intriguing. Anyway,

    No offense to the guy, but no PM I've ever sent Warlock has ever been replied to, nor have I ever seen him do anything administrative. The latter, of course, is due to permission masks and lack of clairvoyance, but the former is a little bit alarming. The latter could even use some little reminders of performance as well. Remember what Spiderman's mother said.

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