Zodiac has been updated again. I'm focusing on the shoot-em-up stages now, and I've implemented the following scripts people might find useful:

1. Added rapid fire functionality to the general weapon script. You can now make any custom weapon fire continously while the button is held down by making small modifications to the script.

2. General shoot-em-up enemy spawner. The script runs on an FFC. When the FFC is set to a certain combo, it will set up your ghosted enemies, including projectile shooting enemies, and move the FFC accordingly. Hit points and taking damage and all that are also implemented. Note: as written, a given combo will specify a given enemy (movement, hit points, etc). You can easily add your own custom enemies by adding if statements to the script.

3. Shoot-em-up enemy plan. The plan simply assigns FFCs running script #2 above to particular FFCs at particular points in time. You could do this in a variety of ways, but the simpliest version is just a linear progression spawning enemies as you fly along.