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Thread: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread

  1. #81
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread

    Thanks guys. More info about the original episode (and a cough*download*cough) can be found here.
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

  2. #82
    Wizrobe Pineconn's Avatar
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    Re: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread

    Vera' nice!!! (Yes, as always.) I'm running out of things to say here, so, as I've done a few months ago, it's haiku time!

    "This story is great.
    Very, very, humorous.
    Not a moment late."

    Poetry sucks.
    My quests:
    End of Time - First quest, uses classic graphics (Help/discussion thread)
    Link to the Heavens - Second quest, uses Pure tileset (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)
    End of Time DX - Remake of my first quest (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)

  3. #83
    Wizrobe biggiy05's Avatar
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    Re: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread


    Stop having a real life and a job. Write some more stories! If I get this laptop before quarter starts I need something to do on campus between classes.
    Quote Originally Posted by AtmaWeapon View Post
    It means taking the fart pipe off of your stupid ricemobile and gently accelerating after stopping.

  4. #84
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread

    Laptops suck. Show me one that can play Half-Life 2 and I'll show you a brick to the head.

    Episode XI - Bang-Bang-A-Boom

    [The AGN Cafe once again. Everyone's sitting down, chatting to each other, while Archibaldo is busy texting someone, presumably Kelly. War Lord walks on to the now familiar stage at the front]

    War Lord: Ok, now I know you're all anxious to get out there and enjoy the summer, but before you do, we've got one of those 'War-Lord-needs-money-so-we're-gonna-give-a-boring-speech' things, and nobody's going anywhere until-
    Darth: Standing up and pointing] Hey! It's Enrico Polazzo!
    War Lord: What? [Turns round to look] I don't see... [Turns back round, only to see everyone's vanished] ...y'know, I'd be mad if I hadn't myself to blame for this.

    [Outside, the guys are all running around in t-shirts and shorts, while the ladies have stripped down to bikinis and stupidly over-sized sunglasses that look ridiculous and I hate them oh god I hate them why do people keep buying them when they look so stupid augh life sucks but I digress 'cause they're all wearing them and there's nothing I can do to change that. Focus on Darth's group, which consists of the man himself (wearing combats rather then shorts), Pineconn, Sam Atoms and The Cyborg, all of whom have Ice Creams - with flakes!]

    Darth: I don't normally enjoy summer, but given that I'm not actually working this year, I think I might this time.
    Sam Atoms: Yeah, this is gonna be great!
    Pineconn: Let's go grab some fieworks. I wanna try the new M-80s.
    Darth: Hell, I'm always up for buying some explosive firepower.

    [The group wanders over to the Fireworks stall that's been set up near Bitchin' Pond]

    Stall Owner: Hey guys, what can I getcha?
    Pineconn: We wanna buy some M-80s.
    Darth: Yeah, about a hundered or so, whatever you've got. [The others look at him] What? Voice-over work for commercials pays big time.
    The Cyborg: I KNEW it was you advertising chewing gum!
    Darth: Which is ironic, considering I never use the stuff.
    Pineconn: ...so yeah, 100 M-80s please.
    Stall Owner: Sorry guys, no can do.
    Pineconn: What?
    Stall Owner: Fireworks have been banned in small-time communities.
    Sam Atoms: Say what?
    Stall Owner: Yeah, it's all over the papers. [He hands the group one and they read it]
    The Cyborg: Oh come on! We can't shoot highly combustible projectiles just 'cause some kid from Zelda Classic blew his hands off?
    Stall Owner: Yup.
    Darth: So, so weak.
    Pineconn: A summer without fireworks is like… I don't know, but it's like... it sucks ass!
    Sam Atoms: Yeah, now what are we gonna do?
    Stall Owner: [Pulls out a fireworks box and takes something out] I can still sell snakes. [He lights one up, sets it down, and watches it grow]
    All: Augh.

    [The AGN Cafe. War Lord is sitting behind his desk, while Breaker and SUCCESSOR are standing around him trying, and failing, to look like they're doing something useful rather then just stand around trying not to look like they're trying, and failing to look like they're doing something useful. Or something. War Lord is busy yelling at someone on the phone]

    War Lord: It's ridiculous! Everyone here is totally responsible! We shouldn't stop them from using fireworks just 'cause so immature little punk who can't even get laid decided to play with himself and got his fingers blown off as a result! ...yes, I'm fully aware of how sexual that sounds, that was the point! ...dammit, what are we supposed to do for entertainment around these parts now? ...what? ...no, we don't want sodding snakes! ...that's all you can come up with? That's pathetic! Get me the owner of this place! ...yes, I know that, I was being ironic! [Hangs up] Ugh. Now what?
    SUCCESSOR: [Stepping forward to make it look like he's doing something useful rather then standing around and so forth] Look, what's wrong with snakes? Maybe if you got a few and lit them together, you could do something with that.
    Breaker: [Also stepping forward so that it doesn't look like he's trying, and failing, to look like he's all the rest of it] Yeah, you could have a race with 'em or something.
    War Lord: Dammit guys, stop standing around trying to look useful and actually be useful for once! We need something big, something to grab people's attention, something... wait. Big... [He hits the desk with his fist and stands up] I've got it! AGN will make history by having the largest snake in the world!

    [Back outside with the gang, walking down a street. They all have Slush Puppies]

    Darth: Man, it's hot out here.
    Pineconn: So what do you guys wanna do? We've got the whole summer.
    Sam Atoms: What are we supposed to do? We always just play with fireworks.
    Pineconn: ...we could go sunbathing.
    The Cyborg: You're kidding, right?
    Sam Atoms: Seriously, like I care whether I have a tan or not.
    Pineconn: Ok, how about we go down to Bitchin' Pond and ogle all the hot chicks in bikinis?
    Darth: What, all three of them?
    Pineconn: Yeah!
    Darth: Well, given that they're all spoken for, I'd find that utterly pointless. Pineconn: ...play baseball or something?
    The Cyborg: Yeah, we're not really the 'playing' type.
    Pineconn: Fine! Let's just do what we always do, go inside and play Mario Kart!
    Darth: Normally I'm all for that, but it's summer! And what do we get in summer?
    Sam Atoms: Hot babes?
    Darth: Besides them.
    Sam Atoms: Pasty white guys?
    Darth: Besides them.
    Sam Atoms: ...screen glare?
    Darth: Screen glare. And what does screen glare mean?
    Sam Atoms: ...um...
    The Cyborg: A reduced gaming experience.
    Darth: Exactly!
    Pineconn: [Throws his hands up in dispair] Augh!

    [The group walk past a demonstration headed by gdorf. They stop and listen as he rants on]

    gdorf: ...I mean, it's absurd! How do they expect us to enjoy summer if they won't let us use fireworks?
    Crowd: Yeah!
    gdorf: And I think we all know who we have to blame for this, right?
    Crowd: Yeah!
    gdorf: That's right! The Mexicans!
    Crowd: Huh?
    gdorf: Yeah, the Mexicans, who made the damned firework that blew that kid's hands off! [The crowd are silent] So you know what we should do? [More silence] We should get rid of all the Mexicans!

    [The crowd disperses, mumbling to themselves about how stupid gdorf is. The gang walk on, but Darth stays still as he realizes something.]

    Darth: Of course! Everything's legal in Mehico! [He runs off]

    [Back to War Lord's office. Along with Breaker and SUCCESSOR, there's now a man dressed in a suit next to a flipboard, on which is a large 'DynoMight Fireworks' logo]

    Suit: At the DynoMight Firework Company, we hve a commitment to excellence. Our focus is on safety while th-
    War Lord: Yeah, could we skip the introduction and just get to the action please? I really can't be assed today.
    Suit: Uh, Ok. [To himself] Let's see. [He turns the pages up and over. Page 1: Dyno Might Safe and Spicy. Section 1: Introduction. Section 2: Safety Features. Section 3: We Value The Customer...] Ah, right. Now the disk that we are making is approximately 5000 times bigger than the average snake.
    War Lord: Mm-hmm.
    Suit: We'll have to fly it in with three Comanche helicopters and lower it onto the ground at the lake.
    War Lord: [Taking notes] ...Comanche helicopters...
    Suit: [Flips the page] Then we'll need 57 flamethrowers, all set up around the perimeter of the disk, that are all triggered to fire at the same time.
    War Lord: ...flamethrowers... same time...
    Suit: [Flips the page. A giant smiling snake is shown rising out of the disk] Once lit, the snake will grow. [Flips the page, and a vaudevillian is shown] And good times will be had by all. [The others clap]
    Breaker: Well, that's very impressive.
    SUCCESSOR: I can't see anything going wrong with this at all.
    War Lord: Well, there we go. Sorted. Thank you very much for your time.
    Suit: Not at all. [He packs up the flipboard] I'll just let them know you've given it the go-ahead then?
    War Lord: Absolutely. You'll be in touch?
    Suit: They certainly will. Have a good afternoon. [He leaves, bumping into gdorf on his way out]
    War Lord: gdorf? Get in here right now. [He does so] Damn it all, what the hell is wrong with you? Mexicans are not bad people!
    gdorf: Show me ONE that's done something decent for society! Just one!
    War Lord: Oh for god's sake, go see a freakin' shrink!

    [Back to the gang. They're at the beach, building sandcastles out of dirt which utterly fail to stay up any longer then 10 seconds]

    The Cyborg: Man, this is lame.
    Pineconn: Yeah, but at least we're out of the house.
    Sam Atoms: Big deal. I've got sunburn, a headache and a mouthful of dirt.
    The Cyborg: ...ugh. Screw this, let's go grab something cold and sugary.
    Sat Atmos: I hear that! [They abandon their dirtcastles and head for one of those stalls that sells everything at ridiculously high prices]
    Pineconn: Man, these guys are always so expensive. You guys got any cash on you?
    The Cyborg: No. Darth normally extorts all the stuff we need.
    Pineconn: Oh yeah. I wonder where he got to.

    [Cut to Darth, a contented look on his face as he cruisin' down a desert highway in a bitchin convertible, the wind in his hair and an awesome guitar riff pumping into the air as the sun sets down over the dunes to the west. It's awesome.

    Back to Bitchin pond. War Lord, along with his two lackeys, is out here anxiously checking his watch and checking a pile of papers he's got attached to a clipboard]

    War Lord: Dammit, where the hell is my firework?
    Breaker: I'm sure it'll be here any second.
    War Lord: Oh, shut up.
    Breaker: [Moves his mouth, but no sound can be heard] (Yes sir).
    War Lord: Very funny.

    [War Lord moves to clip Breaker round the ear (actually, how do you clip someone round the ear? Is it when you hit someone on the side of the head just above the ear? 'cause that sounds like it'd hurt) when the sounds of a helicopter can be heard. He stops and looks up]

    SUCCESSOR: It's the snake, sir!
    War Lord: And about freakin' time, too! [It comes into view, and it's bigger then the biggest thing you could ever imagine's mother-in-law] Alright, let's get this show on the road!
    SUCCESSOR: Yes sir!

    [Pan over to the gang, who all have cans of differently flavoured carbonated beverages and are looking up at the snake]

    Pineconn: Man, that thing is awesome!
    The Cyborg: Yeah, Darth is really missing out!
    Sam Atoms: [Aside to The Cyborg] I'm getting really fed up of these links - couldn't we come up with something-

    [Back to Darth, who pulls up his car to a giant superstore-type building. He gets out, locks the car with a *beep*beep* and looks up at the store as the camera moves round behind him and we see what he sees. The sun is just off to the right of the building and it's giving off a beautiful lens flare, and we can just see the store's logo - Tierra Del Cohete. A subtitle reads Land of Rockets. Darth walks into the store and inside... yep, it's just like a supermarket. Shelves filled with missiles, grenades, fireworks, you name it. Darth wanders over to the Servicio De Cliente desk (Customer Service Desk) and one of the aides smiles at him]

    Darth: ¡Bueno tarde, mi amigo! (Good evening, my friend!)
    Aide: Bueno tarde. ¿Cómo puedo ayudarle? (Good evening. How man I help you?)
    Darth: ¿PodrÃ*a usted dirigirme al M80s, por favor? (Could you direct me to the M80s, please?)
    Aide: Ciertamente. Están abajo del pasillo 17, al lado de los lanzadores portables del cohete. (Certainly. They're down Aisle 17, next to the portable rocket lauchers.)
    Darth: Perfecto. Gracias. (Eh, you figure it out.) [Darth grabs a trolly and heads down into the store, a grin on his face and, presumably, a song in his heart]

    [Action News 24 time!]

    Anthony: Well, we're well into summer and although the fireworks ban has shut down most 911 emergency callouts, it certainly hasn't stopped one town from getting in the mood, as people from all over the place are flocking to AGN. Here with a special report is a normal-looking guy with a funny name.
    Creamy Goodness: Thanks, Anthony, it looks like the firework ban won't be putting a damper on one town's festivities tonight. I'm here at Bitchin' Pond in AGN, where the crowd of residents and scores of tourists anxiously await the lighting of the largest snake in human history. [Some of the folks have picnic blankets set out] Now, as most of you will probably remember, snakes are these little round disks that you light, and they spew out a little snake of black ash. Well, the AGN snake is over half a mile in diameter, and twenty stories high. I'm told that this event won't begin until the sun goes down and night is upon us. [So it is said, so it is done] Well alrighty then, looks like we're ready.
    War Lord: [Stepping up to a pre-placed microphone] Right, well we're all ready, so let's light this sucker! [Everyone cheers as various other AGN members all step forward and fire up the flamethrowers]
    Crowd: Ooooo! [The snake begins to bulge] Aaaah! [War Lord is pleased with the results]
    War Lord: Heh, Darth's missing a sight and a half. [War Lord looks at SUCCESSOR] Ugh. I can't believe I just said-

    [Mexico, near the border at night. Darth is driving by an abandoned truck on his way to the border. He looks over the car, which is literally stuffed with enough firepower to destroy a small planet. He pulls up to the border patrol and looks him in the eye]

    Darth: Evenin' all.
    Agent: Evening. I just need to ask you a few questions before I can let you through.
    Darth: Not a problem.
    Agent: Is anyone other than you traveling in this vehicle?
    Darth: Nope.
    Agent: Do you have any firearms or explosives in... the... [Sees the fireworks and other assorted nuclear devices] Uh... what's that?
    Darth: [Waving his hand] Coffee filters.
    Agent: [Stares at Darth for a few seconds] Uh... that kinda looks like the entire arms supply for Iraq.
    Darth: [Waving his hand again] Well, it's just coffee filters.
    Agent: No, I'm fairly certain there's more bombs here then Ben Affleck's CV.
    Darth: [Waving his hand furiously] COFFEE FILTERS.
    Agent: Ok, you're coming with me.
    Darth: Ah man, the one person in freakin' Mehico.
    Agent: Yeah, well that's why I'm a Border patrolman and you're just a jailbird. Now get out the car and put your hands on the bonnet!
    Darth: So, so weak.

    [Bitchin' pond. The crowds are still cheering and the snake is still growing]

    War Lord: My God, it's beautiful. It never fails to amaze me how I manage to overcome adversity. [The snake is still growing, and War Lord gets a little concerned] Hey, when does that thing die out?
    Suit: Die out?
    War Lord: Yeah. You know, expire, end. [The suit just stands there] Hello, I'm asking you when it stops!
    Suit: Umm. I'm... not sure. We never made one this big. I guess we didn't quite think this thing through, did we?
    War Lord: What?! [The snake is now a pillar, rising into the sky]
    Sam Atoms: Man, that thing is huge!
    Pineconn: Yeah, I think they need to shut it off already.

    [The crowd is now alarmed as well as awed. Grumbles are heard and people start packing up their picnics. A piece of the ashen snake breaks off and the main pillar lies down and starts moving through the crowd]

    War Lord: Oh my God! [He grabs the suit] Tell me how much longer this thing is gonna last!
    Suit: [Counting on his fingers] Ok, let's see... At normal speed, a snake lasts three minutes, so times that by... carry the three... divide by zero...
    War Lord: HOW LONG?
    Suit: Uhh... November. Of next year.
    War Lord: ...oh.
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

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    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread


    [Super Sexy Action News 24!]

    Creamy Goodness: Well, we're coming up on nine hours, and the giant snake of AGN shows no signs of stopping. Residents have tried everything from firehoses to yelling at it to make the snake stop. But nothing seems to work.
    Anthony: Thanks, Creamy. Police are advising all citizens to stay indoors, not breathe the ashen air, and to not ever light any giant snakes in the near future.

    [The snake is now some thirty feet wide and moving down AGN's main thoroughfare, incinerating everything in its path. You'd think this'd look pretty cool, but it really, really doesn't]

    The Cyborg: Well this sucks. Can't even go down to the pond anymore.
    Pineconn: Screw that, we gotta stop this thing! It's gonna demolish the whole state if we don't!
    Sam Atoms: Well what the hell are we gonna do?
    Pineconn: What we always do - ask Darth.
    The Cyborg: Oh yeah. Give him a call, he'll know what to do. [Aside to Sam Atoms] Well that one wasn't so-

    [Cut to Darth, lying down on a bench, whistling a merry ditty to himself. Zoom out to reveal he's in a prison. His phone starts ringing and he answers it]

    Darth: Darth Marsden, Dark Lord of the Sith, what can I kill for you today? [A high-pitched voice comes from the phone] Giant snake? What giant snake? [Whiny voice] Well why the hell would you do that? It's obviously gonna grow a massive line of black ash that'll destroy everything in its path, I mean honestly! [Whine whine whine] Well yeah, but it's just such a dull way of killing everyone, you know? No fun. [A whining we will go] You want me to... oh no, you got yourselves into this mess, you deal with it. Seriously, how could you not think of the ash? [Whiner, it's the code word...] Ok, hanging up now... you have fun now. [He hangs up the phone and tucks it back into his coat. The prison guard comes by and looks in on him]
    Guard: Do you have a phone on you?
    Darth: [Waving his arm] Yes. [The guard looks at him, shakes his head and walks away. Darth resumes his whistling]

    Sam Atoms: [Watching Pineconn put his phone away] So, what'd he say?
    Pineconn: Yeah, we're on our own with this one.
    The Cyborg: Ah man, weak!

    [Super Sexy Not In Any Way Topless Action News 24!]

    Anthony: All over the forums, the effects of the giant ash snake of AGN can be seen. [On a map of some random blob of a 'country' behind him, the snake is shown having separated into four snakes. The first has gone through the Northwest. The second has gone into the Great Plains and is headed for the East Coast. The third has gone down into the South, and the fourth has gone through the Southwest]

    [Meanwhile, in Utah, Mormons are gathered at a river to welcome new members into the Church. Baptism, you know]

    Preacher: Yea, let the Spirit of Heavenly Father be blessed upon you. [He dunks the catechumen into the river]
    Assistant: From this day on, all will be well. [The new member pops up]
    New Mormon: I already feel like things are getting better. [The snake comes and engulfs them all]
    All: Aaaaa-[Oh, well, never mind. Let's check in with New York!]

    gdorf: ...and it's not as if I actively hate all Mexicans... [We fade in and see gdorf lying on a psychiatrist's couch. Well, it was only a matter of time] ...it's just that I don't see them contributing anything to society and it makes me wonder... what's the point of having them here if they don't do anything useful?
    Psychiatrist: Ok, well that's one way of looking at it.
    gdorf: No, that's how I see it. Christ you're irritating.
    Psychiatrist: Now it's best if we don't insult each other during these sessions.
    gdorf: Eh, whatever.
    Psychiatrist: So tell me, when did you first start feeling this way?
    gdorf: ...when I realized that Mexicans in this country aren't doing anything but lying around and collecting benefits. It's not like I have an irrational hatred of Mexicans, I can back everything up with facts and figures.
    Psychiatrist: Alright, but let's say we put those aside for the moment and get to the real issue of what you're feeling.
    Psychiatrist: Now anger is a perfectly normal emotion, don't be afraid to let it out.
    gdorf: Yeah? Well you're an utter waste of a human being. You've repeatedly ignored everything I've told you and constantly tried to find some vital defect in me that simply doesn't exist. You are a sad, lonely, pathetic shell of a man who has nothing better to do then overanalyze his patients in a hopeless attempt to find some real connection with someone. You're a hollow, empty figure of a person who should pack everything in and move to Hawaii so you might actually get laid once in a while, 'acuse I bet that'd straighten you up good.

    [The psychiatrist looks hugely insulted. Snake Two bounds over several buildings, knocking them off their foundations. It smashes through the psychiatrist's window and pins him]

    Psychiatrist: AaaaAAaaAaaaAagh! [His eyebrows burn off, then the rest of him burns up. The snake does not touch the sofa]
    gdorf: [Stands up and points at the remains] Serves you right, you idiot.

    [Back in Darth's prison cell. Another prisoner has been placed inside his cell, and he's banging at the bars, crying and screaming]

    Prisoner: For the love of god, take me back to my own cell!
    Darth: I warned you not to cross into my half, but oh no, you just had to see what made the others so damned curious, didn't you. Well, now you know. Happy?
    [Snake Three makes its way to the prison and suddenly smashes through the wall of the cell, incinerating the prisoner. Darth jumps up, surprised] ...oh for the love of... haven't they stopped this thing yet?

    [Super Sexy Not In Any Way Topless Or Featuring Any Actual Sexual Activity Of Any Kind Action News 24!]

    Anthony: [On loaction once more, outside the AGN Cafe] As more and more forums are affected by the growing ash and the death toll rises to 3000, [A tree inexplicably falls over] people from all over the 'country' are looking to the ruler of AGN for answers. [B][The Cafe's door open and War Lord step forward] And it appears as if the man himself is going to explain matters now.
    War Lord: [Stepping forward to a prepared microphone] Ahem. I have a statement here which I will now read. [He gets out a piece of paper and looksat it for a few seconds] 'I'm sorry. Our bad.' [He puts the paper away] Thank you, that is all. [He turns and heads back inside the Cafe]

    [Back at Bitchin' Pond, the guys are all sitting under the shade of the ash playing cards]

    Sam Atoms: How many days left in summer?
    Pineconn: A lot.
    The Cyborg: Man, this sucks. Summer totally sucks ass.
    Pineconn: Like it matters. This thing [He points at the snake] will probably kill us long before summer ends.
    Sam Atoms: Fingers crossed. [Darth's convertible pulls up]
    Darth: Word up, bitches. [He gets out] What's goin' on?
    The Cyborg: Nothin'. Just waiting for the inevitable slow agonizing death that comes from being so retarded that we build a giant snake and let it destory half the world.
    Darth: Yeah. [He looks up at the snake] Still can't believe you did that. Still, if we're all gonna burn, might as well have some fun before we go. [He pulls out the car key and pops open the trunk] Who's for more explosives then a Michael Bay film? [Fireworks practically fall out of the car]
    Pineconn: Seriously? Sweet! [They all run over, grab a bunch of stuff and set it off]
    The Cyborg: [Watching the rockets go off] Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

    [Gradually all the rockets head for the snake. Upon impact, the snake falls apart, and the base of it loses its fire. Ash now rains down upon everyone]

    Sam Atoms: Hey, look!
    Darth: Heh. Honey, we blew up the snake. [A crowd starts to gather]
    Random Man: They put out the snake! Yeah!
    War Lord: [Suddenly appearing] Uh, yeah, it-it looks like my plan to, uh blow up the snake worked perfectly!
    Darth: ...you're so full of crap, Lord.
    The Cyborg: Hey... it's snowing. [And so it is... kinda]
    Pineconn: It's snowing black ash. ...ah, what the hell. Ashball fight!

    [Everyone starts playing in the ash. Soon there's guys sledding down mounds of ash, people building ashmen, the mods are having an ashball fight and everyone is covered in the stuff. It's a riot, and it feels strangely familiar...]

    The Cyborg: Winter's back! [He gets thwaked by an ashball by Darth]
    Darth: Boo-ya!
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

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    Re: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread

    As usual... most wonderful job Darthy :) Sorry I'm late responding... we picked up Pauls best friend from college at the airport last night. He'll be here for 2 weeks. I promise I read it hon. Thank you very much for all your effort.
    If you love... love without reservation. If you fight... fight without fear.
    ST: If you're going to go the way of the ostrich and stick your head into the sand or up your butt and expect everything to go the way you had imagined it, you deserve your fate.

  7. #87
    Wizrobe Pineconn's Avatar
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    Re: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread

    Outside, the guys are all running around in t-shirts and shorts, while the ladies have stripped down to bikinis and stupidly over-sized sunglasses that look ridiculous and I hate them oh god I hate them why do people keep buying them when they look so stupid augh life sucks but I digress 'cause they're all wearing them and there's nothing I can do to change that.
    If I had been drinking something at the moment I read this, I would have likely covered my computer moniter with several fluid ounces of Coke due to the spontaneous fit of laughter this sentence has brought forth. And, it's a completely true statement.

    Darth! Excellent (as always) chapter! I have no idea what to type here anymore!
    My quests:
    End of Time - First quest, uses classic graphics (Help/discussion thread)
    Link to the Heavens - Second quest, uses Pure tileset (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)
    End of Time DX - Remake of my first quest (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)

  8. #88
    Wizrobe The_Amaster's Avatar
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    Re: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread

    If I had been drinking something at the moment I read this, I would have likely covered my computer moniter with several fluid ounces of Coke due to the spontaneous fit of laughter this sentence has brought forth. And, it's a completely true statement.
    If I had been drinking something at the moment I read this, I would have likely covered my computer moniter with several fluid ounces of Coke due to the spontaneous fit of laughter this sentence has brought forth. And, it's a completely true statement.

    You know what your next project should be Darth?

    AGN: Bigger, Longer, and Unmoderated!

  9. #89
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread

    Are you insane? That'd take a solid week's worth of work! Like I could stay the course that long. Besides, I kinda have my eye on a couple of other SP episodes first.

    Maybe after them though. But no promises!
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

  10. #90
    Wizrobe Pineconn's Avatar
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    Re: Darth's Fan-Fiction Thread

    Encore! Encore!

    My quests:
    End of Time - First quest, uses classic graphics (Help/discussion thread)
    Link to the Heavens - Second quest, uses Pure tileset (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)
    End of Time DX - Remake of my first quest (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.