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Thread: AGN Forum Quest

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    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    AGN Forum Quest

    Yeah, I'm finally bored enough to start it. Don't look at me like that, you were warned.

    The nightmare again. The image of him, lying in a pool of his own blood, the madman standing over him grinning, the fire raging in the background. And then the laugh. The horrible, blood-curdling laugh that shook him to his bones and would always, without fail, wake him up.

    Kris had been having the nightmares for almost two months now, and he still had no idea who the madman was, nor what was burning behind him. He swung his legs over and stood up, realizing it was gone dawn. A new day had arrived, and with it more work to be done.

    The land of Armageddon had long since failed to live up to its name, and the towns that flourished the kingdom had rarely seen anything but peace. Stepping out of his timber home into the sunlight, Kris Marx reflected that he was indeed fortunate to live in a land where men and women could work an honest life, safe in the knowledge that there was no evil to be found. His own village, the town of Gedea, was remote, but it was quiet and those who lived there gladly worked together for the common goal.

    Fully clothed for his role of hunting, Kris waved a greeting to several other villagers and set off for the forest that surrounded the village. Stepping out of the shadow of Mount Nimeon he walked in the full sunlight into the woods, his bow and arrow at the ready.

    He had barely brushed past the first trees when he heard a scream coming from deep within the forest. All thoughts of hunting gone, he rushed towards the source of the sound. If someone was in danger, then he would do his best to help them...

    If you want to join in, go right ahead. Create a humanoid character (no halflings or blood elves for your main characters please, they just complicate things) and start writing about their epic tales in the land of Armageddon.
    Just a few pointers if I may - try and make sure your grammar is pretty good, don't screw around or kill other peoples characters for the hell of it, try to stay in the spirit of things, don't ask why this isn't in Forum Games and above all, just enjoy yourselves.
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

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    Octorok Pineconn lolz's Avatar
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    Re: AGN Forum Quest

    I'm making a character called Pineconn. While slurping toxic sludge, he gazes as Kris rushes by. His more divine purpose shall be revealed when nessecary.

  3. #3
    Patra AtmaWeapon's Avatar
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    Re: AGN Forum Quest

    Kris ran through the forest as fast as he could, ready to face whatever danger could be causing the unknown individual's distress. Branches scratched his limbs and face as he ran with little regard to anything but reaching the source of the screams as quickly as possible. He abruptly stopped as he came to the edge of a steep incline; continuing at full steam would have been foolhardy. It was clear that the screams were coming from the bottom of the incline, so Kris worked his way down as quickly as he could. The ground was damp and the heavy foliage made the discovery of sure footing difficult, but he managed to navigate his way to the bottom. The screams continued to grow in volume the closer to the bottom he got, but due to the dense forest he could not see the source. Finally, he reached the bottom of the slope and continued to run towards the screams. He was quite surprised at what he found when he reached the source.

    A man had fallen prey to a pit trap; it was a fairly deep hole intended to trap larger prey such as drop bears or wild cattle.
    "Don't worry I've come to save you!", Kris yelled down the hole.
    "Oh thank goodness", came the reply in a thick accent Kris didn't recognize.

    Sometimes these traps had sharp spikes at the bottom, so Kris was uncertain if the man was in need of medical care, but he happened to have a rope in his inventory so he equipped it and threw the rope down to the man. In a short while, the man managed to climb out of the hole.

    "Thank you, I don't know how I can thank you enough for saving me!", the man said.

    "Ah it was no trouble really, but who are you and how did you end up down there?" Kris said, still a bit out of breath from the haste with which he arrived.

    "Ah how terribly rude of me to not introduce myself; my name is Adolf. I come from a foreign land in search of strong adventurers to fulfill a quest."

    This got Kris's attention, and for the first time he looked over the man's features. Adolf was a short, skinny man with somewhat pale skin that was in great contrast to his dark black hair. He had a hardened face and a curiously shaped mustache. There was something about him that repulsed Kris, yet the sound of Adolf's voice eased any tensions. It was a voice that could stir a man, a voice that awakened something deep within Kris that he had thought he had buried.

    "Ahh--that's an excellent coincidence... I happen to be an unemployed adventurer. What's the deal with this quest?"

    "Oh, well...", Adolf spoke quietly and looked around, as if there were someone in the forest who could overhear them, "Um, well, I think, um... could we discuss this in... private?"

    Kris couldn't quite understand it, but something about this request made part of his mind tell him it would be a better idea to leave this quest opportunity alone. There was something about that voice though...

    "Um, sure thing, just follow me.", Kris said, though he felt a strong force within him urging him to say anything but agreement.

    They began the relatively short trek back to Kris's house. Adolf kept looking Kris over in a way that made Kris uncomfortable, though he never could get a grip on exactly why it made him uneasy. Kris was still trying to figure out exactly what it was when his thoughts were interrupted.

    "You have always had that hair since you were a child?"

    "Eh? Oh yeah I was born with blonde hair."

    "Remarkable! And your eyes, they are so blue!"

    "Yeah, everyone always talks about them, what's so special about it?"

    Adolf seemed distant, as if his thoughts were elsewhere. "Ah... it is nothing."

    Soon they reached Kris's home, and Kris let his companion in. It was a somewhat small home, with only one room. Adolf spent a while taking in the surroundings before he asked Kris to make himself comfortable. Kris sat in a chair, ready to hear the background information for this quest.

    "Since I was a child", Adolf began, "I had premonitions that I would find one who would help me establish a great nation, a nation that would be matched by none and rule for one thousand years. Key to the establishment of this nation is the purification of its citizens and the establishment of a single, powerful race with certain characteristics. You, my friend, are the closest match to this premonition I have ever come across."

    Adolf paced the room as he spoke, and Kris noticed he seemed to be gradually approaching the door.

    "So, what exactly do I need to do?" Kris said, for the first time feeling that perhaps his feelings of apprehension were correct. Still, he couldn't move... something about Adolf's voice kept him still and made him feel comfortable.

    Adolf turned away from Kris for a moment, as if to gather his thoughts. With an imperceptible movement, he bolted the door as he turned back around. "Ah that, allow me a moment to collect my thoughts, it is a difficult quest and the things required of you are much..."

    Adolf approached the single candle on the table next to Kris which provided the light for the room. Adolf blew out the candle and whispered in Kris's ear, "Today, I have found the one with who I will establish the master race!"


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    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: AGN Forum Quest

    I've just twigged what you've done, you evil person, you. But now, watch as I twist this horrid creation from you and return light to this blessed tale! ...well, of a sort, anyway.

    'Master race? What do you mean?' Kris backed away from the man slowly. He had been taken in by his earlier, more light-hearted comments, but now there was something else to the words he spoke. Something... dark.

    'A new order to rule this land! Surely you yearn for more than this? A simple hunter, spending day after day chasing creatures throughout the forest...' Adolf leaned in close to Kris, his eyes bright with desire. ' were clearly meant for more.'

    Kris stepped further back, his back now pressing into the wall. 'You are mistaken. I have great love for this life, and I wouldn't leave it for the world. While I admit that I sometimes imagine journeying outside the village walls, I have no desire to do so with the likes of you.' He put on a brave face. 'I see your wounds are not serious, so I would bid you good day.'

    Adolf grinned, his teeth glinting slightly in the darkness. 'You mistake me. There is no choice in the matter - you will be the one I create my pure-blooded race with, whether you do so willingly or not.' He lunged at Kris, his giant hands outstretched, reaching for the throat. Kris managed to duck under the mans arms and ran for the door. Pulling at it, he remembered that Adolf had locked it and made for the blot as the man lunged at him again.

    This time, Adolf caught his arm and twisted it round. Kris gave a cry of pain, but placing both feet onto the door, kicked back. Both men fell backwards onto the hard floor and Adolf momentarily let go of Kris' arm. Taking advantage, Kris ran over to the next room, where his hunting gear was placed upon a nearby table. As Adolf followed him in, Kris quickly grabbed an arrow and threw it at the raging man. It flew straight forward and caught him in the arm.

    Growling in pain, Adolf grabbed at the arrow. With a roar, he pulled it out, but by this time Kris now had his knife, and lunged at the man. Adolf held up his hands in defense, but to no avail - the frenzied attack by Kris left him a bloodied mess on the floor.

    It was some hours later when Kris emerged from his house, his clothes covered in blood. Behind him, he dragged the corpse of the would-be ruler who had challenged him, wrapped up in his bedsheets. The others in the village all came round to watch as Kris dragged him outside of the village grounds. Leaving the body there, he walked back into the village to the elder's house, and after a short time, left with a shovel. He walked back to the body and slowly began to dig the grave.

    Once he had finished, the day was at an end. The sun had set and the villagers were tired, but Kris' ordeal was not over. Slowly he walked back towards the elders home, knowing what would come of his breaking a sacred law of Gedea - 'You shall not kill another human being'. He opened the door and walked into the building.
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

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    Wizrobe theplustwo's Avatar
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    Re: AGN Forum Quest

    Adolf Hitler spontaneously combusts...

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