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Thread: Gather around, bitches.

  1. #11
    Wizrobe Pineconn's Avatar
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    Re: Gather around, bitches.

    Nice, Darth! And I'm not just saying that because I'm in it.
    My quests:
    End of Time - First quest, uses classic graphics (Help/discussion thread)
    Link to the Heavens - Second quest, uses Pure tileset (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)
    End of Time DX - Remake of my first quest (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)

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    Re: Gather around, bitches.

    Very good Darthy!!

    Although let's hope South Park creators don't come knocking on our door with copyright infringements.
    If you love... love without reservation. If you fight... fight without fear.
    ST: If you're going to go the way of the ostrich and stick your head into the sand or up your butt and expect everything to go the way you had imagined it, you deserve your fate.

  3. #13
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: Gather around, bitches.

    By popular demand...

    [Beldaran's house, around midday. The gang are just leaving.]

    Darth: Isn't this great, you guys? Being able to walk the streets now that old people are confined to their homes where they belong?

    [The group all turn and stare at Darth.]

    Darth: Yeah, that didn't sound so harsh in my head.

    [The group continue onwards. As they move away from Beldaran's house, an elderly figure emerges from the front door.]

    Beldaran's Grandad: Billy, get in the car! I need you boys to help me pick up my new Hov-Around.
    Beldaran:Uh, Grandpa, I don't think you should be driving.
    Grandad: God-damnit Billy! You're supposed to listen to your dad, right?! Well I'm your dad's dad, and that means you get in this car before I tan all your hides!
    Lilith: Well, look at it this way guys: statistically speaking, we're safer inside a car with an old person driving than we would be on the outside.
    Darth: ...dammit, I hate it when she's right. I call shotgun!

    [The gang climb in, strap themselves in, and Glenn the Great offers a quick prayer]

    Glenn: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, even though I walk through the valley of death. [Beldaran's Grandad starts up the car and groans a bit] Guys, I don't know if I ever told you this, but, well, I love you guys. [Pause] Except for you, Darth.
    Darth: Damn straight.
    Grandad: Okay, all set?

    [Beldaran's Grandad backs out of the a driveway, and an oncoming car honks at him. The driver screams something at him. Pretty soon, other cars and trucks are doing their best to avoid him. Cars begin crashing and flying through the air. The gang wince at every accident, and after a few minutes a police cruiser catches up to them]
    Beldaran: Ah, I think there's a police car behind you, Grandpa.
    Grandad: Eh? [Signals to the officer] Go around. Go around, you moron!
    Officer Rijuhn: Blue Impala, pull your vehicle over!
    Glenn: Is that us? Oh please God, let that be us!
    Darth: Yeah, that's us.
    Glenn: Praise the Lord!

    Beldaran's Grandad pulls over to the side and stops. Officer Rijuhn stops as well and approaches the driver side.]

    Officer Rijuhn: Could I see your license, please?
    Grandad: I ain't got one! You peckers took it!
    Officer Rijuhn: Well then, I have to take you to jail.
    Grandad: You just try taking me to jail, scrotum-head! You just try!

    Beldaran's Grandad starts whacking Officer Rijuhn with his cane. Beldaran holds his head in his hands while the others look on in shock. Officer Rijuhn backs away from the cane, takes his pistol and fires it into the air, at which point Beldaran's Grandad throws his cane out of the car window and put his hands in the air. Beldaran looks up at the others and shrugs his sholders as if to say 'What can you do?']
    [CUT TO: Police jail. Beldaran's Grandad sits behind bars with a cane.]

    Grandad: Big tough guy with a gun. Why in my day, we fought with sharpened sticks, miserable...
    Officer Rijuhn: I just got him right here, Beldaran.
    Beldaran: Well, good job, Grandad. Look what happened. I told you not to drive, but would you listen to me? No!
    Grandad: Oh God damnit, don't you dare lecture me, Billy!
    Beldaran: You just had to be so damn stubborn, didn't you?!
    Grandad: Great. Now my own Grandson is gonna talk to me like I was younger than him.
    Beldaran: I'm not gonna treat you like a child, Grandad. All right? Now I think you owe Mr. Police Officer an apology. Who needs to apologize, hm? [He wags his finger at his Grandad] Who's the sorry-sorry?
    Grandad: Kiss my old, wrinkled ass!
    Beldaran: Oh, y'know what? I was gonna bail you out, but maybe you can just sit here for a bit and think about what you did!
    Grandad: Well I won't be sitting here long! I've already called the AARP!
    Beldaran: The who-what now?
    Grandad: The American Association of Retired Persons! The largest political group in the country! When seniors like me are bein' descriminated against, the AARP comes and sets it right! And you're gonna be sorry when they get here!

    [The AGN cafe. The gang, along with other regulars, are all hanging out, listening to War Lord performing his latest rap.]

    War Lord: So I take my gun and I point it at him
    And he's screaming at me 'Don't kill me, please!'
    But I'm not listening and I fire a round
    Hits him in the chest and he hits the ground
    Blood is pouring all over the place
    And I... I... [He's distracted by something. One or two people follow his eyeline and see elderly paratroopers drifting down onto the pavement outside. The gangs' eyes follow him] Huh. Those ROTC guys are way off course. [The paratroopers open their cargo boxes and unload firearms]

    Darth: Holy crap! More old people!
    Beldaran: [Realising]The American Association of Retired Persons. Jesus, I thought he was rambling about the good ol' days again - I didn't realise he meant it!

    [War Lord heads outside, bidding the others to stay where they are. One of the old folks, an incredibly old woman smacks him across the face with the butt of her semiautomatic, and he goes down in pain on one knee. The seniors begin firing away, with rifles, semiautomatics, whatever. The gang look on and gasp]

    Glenn: Old people gone mad! It's the end of the world as we know it!

    ...more if demanded.
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

  4. #14
    Wizrobe biggiy05's Avatar
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    Re: Gather around, bitches.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Marsden View Post
    ...more if demanded.
    LOL....this is good. Bring it on.
    Quote Originally Posted by AtmaWeapon View Post
    It means taking the fart pipe off of your stupid ricemobile and gently accelerating after stopping.

  5. #15
    Wizrobe Pineconn's Avatar
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    Re: Gather around, bitches.

    Pssh, you don't need to ask me twice. More, por favor!

    (Y'know, maybe a fan fic section would be a good thing to add to these forums. That'd get really interesting.)
    My quests:
    End of Time - First quest, uses classic graphics (Help/discussion thread)
    Link to the Heavens - Second quest, uses Pure tileset (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)
    End of Time DX - Remake of my first quest (YouTube LP | Help/discussion thread)

  6. #16
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: Gather around, bitches.

    ...damn, this is getting me loads of green rep...

    [U.S. Geological Service. PrrKitty sits at her desk making notes when she hears the soft rustling of tarp on snow. She spins around in her chair to see more AARP paratroopers. She rises in disbelief. A gas canister flies through the window and unleashes its fumes. PrrKitty starts coughing. The door flies open and some AARP paratroopers walk in wearing gas masks.]

    AARP Member: Contact. [Quickly aims her machine gun at PrrKitty] Put your hands up, young lady!

    [She does so and is subsequently marched out into the street. CUT TO: Jail. Beldaran's Grandad is looking out his small cell window when the AARP enters and approach the cell. A man steps forward from the group.]

    AARP Leader: I'm Bill Stewart, President of the AARP. Hu-we've come to help the seniors in this town fight back.
    Grandad: Oh, it's nice to meet ya, Bill.
    Bill: Huh?? We came as fast as we could. We just had to stop by Country Kitchen Buffet first. Mmm!

    [The center of town, day. One of the members brings Beldaran forward]
    Beldaran: What the hell is going on?!
    AARP member: Shut your piehole and get over there!

    [Beldaran moves forward and joins the other hostages. PrrKitty sidles up to him]

    Prrkitty: Beldaran, what is this?
    Bill: Hey! You are now under the authority of the AARP!
    Grandad: Ha! There you go, Mr. Smartmouth! Look at you now!
    Beldaran: Grandad, what are you doing??
    Grandad: The AARP is gonna help us take this town until we get our licenses back!
    Elderly Woman: Yeah, and we're gonna ask for more money in Medi-Care, too!
    biggiy05: Have you all got Alzheimer's? The-they're not gonna listen to a bunch of whacked out senior citizens.
    Bill: Heh?? We'll tell them if they don't give us our demands, we'll start killin' hostages!
    biggiy05: Huh, right. They're gonna really believe that.

    [The elderly woman next to him simply lifts her gun and fires at biggiy point blank. He falls down dead. The crowd express shock and anger, for some reason]

    Grandad: Isn't that a little extreme, Bill?
    Bill: Heh?? No, we gotta be tough! Just like with those damned Japs!
    Beldaran: This is insane, Grandad! It was bad enough when Darth went on that killing spree, but this? You all need to stop right now before more people get hurt!
    Grandad: The time when you can tell me what to do is over, pucky-boy! We're in charge now!

    [Some time later. The town is now an encampment, protected by barbed wire, sandbags, and metal shields. A woman with an IV unit stands behind some sandbags.]

    Grandad: All right, we've got control of the Mayor's office and the fire station.
    AARP member: Reinforcements have arrived from the nursing home in Conifer.
    Bill: Good! Hell, us senior citizens could take over the entire country!
    AARP lookout: We've got company!

    [Outside the blockade, a huge number of military jeeps, vans and tanks arrive. They pull up outside the barriers and a number of soldiers get out, arming their weapons at the walls. An officer gets out of a jeep and takes out a megaphone.]

    Officer: Attention seniors: lay down your weapons and turns yourselves over!
    Bill: Mrs. Applegate, show 'em we mean business.
    Mrs. Applegate: All right.

    [Mrs Applegate is carrying a rocket launcher. At Bill's request, she fires the rocket and falls back from the recoil. The rocket heads for a Jeep full of troops. The troops scramble off. The rocket strikes and demolishes the Jeep, killing one of the soldiers, who's head lands in the lap of another soldier, who instantly starts screaming and running around histerically. Eventually the officer manages to regain composure and retakes the megaphone.]

    Officer: What do you want?
    Bill: Heh??
    Grandad: We want our licenses back! [Sounds of approval from the other seniors]
    Elderly Woman: That's right. And we want more money and Medi-Care! [More shouts of approval]
    Elderly Man: And we want those damned kids to stop skateboardin' on the sidewalk! [The shout of approval are, quite literally, deafening.]

    [Nighttime, the drive-in. All adults who are not senior citizens have been gathered into an enclosure around the massive screen. Two seniors stand guard at the gates, other seniors keep the adults in line. The adults are cold. Some cough, some try to keep warm by burning tires inside empty gas drums. Beldaran is one of those warming his hands over a fire, along with Glenn the Great and Lilith. He moans. Darth snakes up to the side of the encampment where the group is, having not been arrested]

    Darth: Hey guys.
    Beldaran: Darth! You... you're OK! How did they not catch you?
    Darth: I'm a freakin' Sith Lord, OK? God, I've been in this freakin' place for years, you'd think people would know me by now! Hopeless, the bloody lot of you. Hopeless!
    Lilith: Shh! They'll hear you!
    Darth: Yeah, right. None of them have their hearing aids in, y'know.
    Glenn: ...that explains a lot.
    Darth: Look, how the hell did they get you guys? I thought you were all better than that!
    Lilith: We tried to stop them, but... the seniors get up so early in the morning they... get everything done before everyone else is even awake! It's insane!
    Glenn: I heard them saying something about taking over the entire country - could they really do that?
    Beldaran: Seeing how early they get up, I don't see how anyone can stop them. Wait a minute... when do you get up, Darth?
    Darth: I'm always up. I haven't slept since 1994.
    Lilith: Seriously? How the hell do you stay awake?
    Darth: Caffine. Lots and lots of caffine.
    Lilith: that's why you're always drinking Red Bull. I did wonder.
    Beldaran: Look Darth, you've got to stop them! We can't do anything stuck in here! [He looks back, alarmed - more prisoners are being herded into the 'camp'] Dammit, they're coming! Quick, get out of here before they see you!
    Darth: Christ, leave it to the resident Dark Lord of the Sith to solve all your problems. You guys owe me big time. [Darth turns and leaves. ShadowTiger notices and runs right up to the wires.]
    ShadowTiger: Avenge me Darth! AVENGE ME!!!

    ...more after a good nights sleep...
    AGN's resident Doctor Who, Star Wars and Torchwood fan

    Current life projects: Survive job, stay awake, write stuff, find new job. Not in that order.

    Hey, I do online reviews now! Check out my site to see the latest videos.

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    Re: Gather around, bitches.

    Yer good Darthy :) Thanks honey :) <hug>
    If you love... love without reservation. If you fight... fight without fear.
    ST: If you're going to go the way of the ostrich and stick your head into the sand or up your butt and expect everything to go the way you had imagined it, you deserve your fate.

  8. #18
    Wizrobe The_Amaster's Avatar
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    Re: Gather around, bitches.

    I would write my own, but I'm not sure I could compete with Darth's.
    Keep em coming.

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    Re: Gather around, bitches.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beldaran View Post
    I'm also an up and coming engineer. :)
    oh okay :panties dissolve:

  10. #20
    The Artist Once Known As Old-Skool QDB Manager
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    Re: Gather around, bitches.

    *snaps fingers

    An episode where a random member comes in, sees this thread, and asks why all the ideas have anything to do with AGN. The rest of the episode contains running gags of people dumping septic substances on him, ala the slime in the "you can't do that on television" show.

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