Edit: Whoops. It seems I posted too soon.

Well, what do you think the problem is? Do you think that perhaps the script-attaching for the FFCs is broken in beta 16c (No, I won't use 2.5 beta 116 yet)?

Edit: Yep, script-attaching is broken. I can set the FFC's script to 3, save the quest, close the editor, and open it again, and the script is reset back to 0. This means that your script may actually work! Fire Wizzrobe, if you've worked on that code anymore, DON'T DELETE IT. Save it, in case the code doesn't work. However, since it worked for the item (Whose script doesn't seem to get reset), I'm POSITIVE it'll work on the FFC, but it might turn the whole screen solid. I'll have to wait for the bug to get fixed before I can find out, so SAVE ANY CHANGES YOU'VE DONE TO THE CODE FOR NOW.

Edit2: Well, it doesn't seem like the bug report is getting noticed. So, I thought of a new idea that actually is another way to accomplish my original plan for the Cane of Somaria (which was to spawn a certain combo 2 tiles away from Link when he used the item)! My new idea? CHANGE THE COMBO TWO TILES AWAY FROM LINK. I began with a piece of the code you recently gave me Fire Wizzrobe. I modified it all to go with combos, and, in the process, I used EVERY SINGLE COMBO MODIFIER, just for safety. That includes inherent flags, by the way. I then modified the very first pointer I made so instead of modifying an FFC, it modifies a pointer to hold Link's X position (Well, I had to declare a pointer, so I decided to just declare it as Link's X position- The value has no bearing after that). I also declared a pointer for Link's Y position. However, I didn't stop there- I decided to make a code to check for the solidity of a combo 2 tiles away from Link. However, because the X and Y positions of the block must be different depending on Link's direction, this code needed 4 versions, just like the modifiers for the combo. The variables are BlockCheckX and BlockCheckY. After that, I made a modification of C-Dawg's code for moving the Somaria Block to the nearest tile. The modification stores the location of the block 2 tiles away from Link. After that is a modification of your code for declaring a variable to store the location of the combo below an FFC. Because I'm using combos now, I needed to take away some of the code to compensate. Anyways, my modification does bascially what yours did, but to a new variable. Then comes my favorite part- THE SOLIDITY CHECK. It's an if statement. If the block at the position stored in variable "BlockPosition" (The variable I declared in the last modification of code) has a solidity of 0 (meaning no solidity AT ALL), the block is moved to that location. By the way, the first two pointers (SomariaBlockX and SomariaBlockY) have no true purpose until the last bits of code are executed, since they're not for anything but storing data.

If you wish, I'll post the code I now have. I won't test it yet because I'm so nervous. That, and I just proved something that I KNEW was true: I LEARN QUICKLY. Just look- I modified most of the code in the script to check for solidity of a seperate combo. All I need is a push in the right direction, kinda like with a wind-up toy.