The Link Tile Mods are dependent on the item that you get. Each (normal) item has a LTM mod tag on it. You set that to a number to offset Link's tiles by that number when he gets that item. It also adds to that offset when you collect other items which have been similarly tagged.

For example, if you get the Boots with a tag of 60, and the blue ring with a tag of 100, it'll look for Link's tiles in row 160. (60 + 100 = 160)

The actual suggestion in this thread is Dmap-based Link Modifiers. Simply put, if you're in a Dmap, it'll use either the default Link Tiles, or the Link tiles specified by the Dmap.

IMHO, it should be a box which brings up the Quest-->Graphics-->Sprites-->Link dialog, but with values specific to that Dmap rather than global values. (Value = Image / animation of Link.)

Now all it'd need is to either use the Default Link tiles, the Dmap-specific Link tiles, or the Dmap-Specific PLUS Link Tile Mods. So it'd be a pulldown of one of those.