Quote Originally Posted by Dark Nation
I believe that what is needed is a database team.

Manager - This person organizes the team. Hires/replaces team members. Deals with conflicts. Delegates jobs. Finds people who can solve problems. This could even be two or three people to allow for checks and balances and to make sure someone is always available to get things done if a manager is gone (sickness/vacations/etc.)

Programmer - Again, could be more than one person. This person either codes the database from scratch or finds a database somewhere and modifies it for use here. They add new features to the database and fix things that are broken.

Database Front End Designer - Again, could be multiple people and could even be one or more of the programmers if they are also good at layout and design issues. This person designs the look of the database. Obviously, strong web design skills are a must. This person passes their designs on to the programmer(s) who then code the back end of the database.

Quest Uploader - Again, could be a team. This person's only responsibility is to upload quests, descriptions and screen shots. People would submit quests to them complete with descriptions and screen shots and this person would upload them to the database. An alternative idea would be to give everyone upload rights and have this person moderate quests. Instead of uploading quests every day, they simply log into the database and are presented with a list of uploads for the day. Clicking accept on an upload moves it from the waiting area into the database.

Database Assistant - This person (could be more than one) handles questions about the database. They clarify suggestions and pass them on to the Database Front End Designer or the Programmer. Ideally, they would be the only link between the database users and the rest of the team.

Thoughts/suggestions? If the database truly is in limbo right now (nobody is currently doing any sort of work on it and hasn't for some time), then I volunteer to assemble the team to get things going again.
To clarify to people- upon signing up for this, I was strictly given the duties of quest uploader. However, as problems befell, the responsibility to fix them was put on my shoulders- a task I was not up to. I love the idea of making this a team effort. It really is too much for one person, and was rather overwhelming to feel the brunt of the ZC community as things began to fall apart. Zelda Classic is rather large at this point, and it will take more than one person to maintain a satasfactory database, not to mention having immediate backup incase someone drops off the face of the intarwebz.