I had some pretty lazy teachers and a few great teachers, but the worst teacher I ever had was in the 7th grade. We had Home Ec first period with the eighth graders, and Ms. James was really mean and kinda crazy. She would yell at me when I couldn't thread the sewing machine (I'm legally blind and can barely see thread) and my best guy friend would always sit near enough so that he could lean over and fix it for me when she wasn't looking. And she would tease other kids, but the worst thing she ever did was lock us in the room for three straight periods and stand against the door blocking it, refusing to let anyone out and not saying why. After awhile her other classes were lined up in the hall and we were freaking out, and some kids were trying to yell through the wall "Go get the Principal!" and everyone started to make noise trying to get the attention of people in the hall. Finally the principal came (his office was in the other building) and when he asked her what was going on she said "I had to detain them because they would not be quiet." We were like "...........................O________O" because that was the biggest LIE..........

Well we were finally able to get out and go to class, the strictest teacher (and my favorite at the school) was second hour so I missed his whole class, and I was worried how he was going to react to the entire class skipping. We just made it to the end of third-hour math, and we were freaking out, and we told our math teacher (who was our homeroom teacher) what happened and she calmed us down and went to the office and had the principal call all of us in by name one at a time to tell what happened and call our parents. It wasn't my turn til after lunch but my mom let me come home early, and the next day there were a bunch of parents that came to the school, including my mom and some kids transferred that very day. (I didn't though)

What is the worst thing a teacher's ever done to you?