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Thread: Revenge of the Nerds/Sith

  1. #71
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    Re: Revenge of the Nerds/Sith

    Well, I've seen it twice now and I loved it both times. The second time I saw it, I picked up on little things I missed the first time I saw it. I think it's truely the best Star Wars Episode made because it finally answers (to me anyway) HOW and WHY Anakin turned to the Dark Side. Firstly, for LOVE and secondly, for POWER/GREED!

    I think they could have made Anakin appear more powerful! Afterall, he was apparently conceived BY THE FORCE and had the highest "Midichlorian" count EVER SEEN (even more than Master Yoda). Based on that, he should have been able to kick Obi-One's butt, even though Obi-One was more experienced. Hadn't he saved Obi-One's butt 9-10 times or so???

    Anyway, movies will always be subjective. I loved it! Well done George Lucas!

    The part where the emperor owns Sam Jackson was BAD ASS.
    Quote Originally Posted by carrot red
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    Re: Revenge of the Nerds/Sith

    I've seen it three times now. It refuses to get any less cool. It's just the best!

  3. #73
    Wizrobe Orion's Avatar
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    Re: Revenge of the Nerds/Sith

    I have finally gotten around to seeing it. I will post my very nitpicky impressions, and there could possibly be a few SPOILERS, so I caution you not to read if you haven't seen it yet.

    The movie had it's ups and downs. The good parts were pretty good, but the bad parts were really bad. Here is what I liked:

    The points that moved the plot along, like the Jedi massacre, Mace getting his ass whopped, and the very end where Vader gets mutilated I thought were the best of this movie. They really worked well, and actually felt somewhat epic and deserving of the original trilogy.

    There were a few funny moments in the movie that maybe weren't supposed to be. Certainly not when the movie tried to be. Seeing Yoda send Palpatine head over heals into his chair was worth the price of admission alone. That got a good chuckle out of me.

    And here is what I didn't like:

    The acting. My God. I don't know who said there was only a little bad acting, but they must not know bad acting when they see it. There are so many scenes that ruined any momentum that the movie had going. Hayden and Natalie especially. I thought Hayden would be the worse of the two, but Natalie actually suprised me in how bad she was. Sometimes it's the fault of the actors. Sometimes it's the fault of the writing. Sometimes its both. But I'd say the movie is about half and half with the acting.

    The first third of the movie bored me to tears with it's political crap. Sure, it might be needed to advance the story. But not much of an effort was made to make it entertaining. The original trilogy didn't have that much of this.

    R2D2 was made out to be a little too superhero-ish, and it bothered me. There was stuff that he did that he never did in any of the other movies, and it just didn't fit.

    Grievous just... sucked. I don't know what people thought was so cool about him. So he wields 4 lightsabers. Yay for him. He just came off as ridiculous and goofy. The movie might have been better without him.

    The appearance of the wookies also seemed pointless. Sure, seeing Chewie was cool, but the whole wookie thing didn't serve that much purpose in the plot. It could have been done another way without giving some half-assed role to the wookies.

    That annoying thing that Obi-wan rode. It was so obnoxious. My g/f and I cheered when it was killed.

    And last but not least, the two fanboys sitting behind us. One of the little fanboys keps whispering to the other little fanboy what was going to happen next, and I heard every word of it. Plus, they had to comment on EVERYTHING. I never wanted to pulverize fanboys so much in my entire life.

    Anyway, overall, the food parts of the movie set it at the best of the new trilogy. But the best movie in the entire saga? Not even close...
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