Tom feels I've used some of his wav sounds in my sfx.dat files, and since I have 100's of wavs and really don't know where they all came from I told him I would replace those sounds in my sfx.dats

New Link to Tortuga sound file is

Link to Tortuga released.

Returning from a diplomatic mission, Princess Zelda's ship is Swashbuckled by pirates and she is captured and taken to the pirate stronghold know as Tortuga Island.
Held for a ransom of eight blue pearls, it's up to Link to pay the ransom in order get her back.

Preview Screenshots

Link to Tortuga now on AGN's Quest database

Game play notes;
*Link to Tortuga is designed to be played on the new 2.10 version of Zelda Classic.

*Overworld (spacebar) map has been turned off due to a serious bug in the 2.10 that causes the map to trigger secrets on layers of screens the map is used on.

*You should never have to buy a key, they're there, you just have to find them.

Release notes;
Special Thanks to:
Miguel, Elise, Iriss, Joe, David Ballard Jr., and Shoelace for beta testing this quest.
Sprites of Joe and the Rabbit are from *b*'s Sun Tower tileset, thanks goes to him for releasing those.
Thanks goes to DN and fatcatfan for their hard work in releasing the new 2.10 Zelda Classic program, which this quest is designed to be played on.

*Using a cheat program with "no walls" will cause you grief, I suggest against it, there are tons of hidden floor triggers.

*please report any bugs, bugs found while using a cheat program please do NOT report, as they are probably your fault anyway.

Forgot to mention, each time you beat a level the town and all it's building interiors change, as do the ships.
You need to go back to town between each level or you'll miss items and information.