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Thread: Harvest Hyrule

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    Murana Wolford DarkFlameWolf's Avatar
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    Harvest Hyrule

    THIS IS NOT FOR ZELDA CLASSIC BUT FOR RPGMAKER 2003! So if that doesn't interest you, stop reading now. For the rest, read below:

    As some may have read, I asked for the PureZC tileset from Mr. Z that he was using so I could rip them into chipsets for rm2k maker. Well, now I've solidified my idea for the game I want to make. I recently bought (read: yesterday) Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for Gamecube and absolutely love it! So why not make a Harvest Hyrule. Here are the details I've come up with so far:
    - Link starts off with a small inherited farm with a small pasture, only one plot to plant stuff, barn, toolshed and a food storage. (as well as his house)
    - Over the course of the game, you can buy more animals, seeds, plants, buildings and plots. Basically expanding your farming empire and gaining mass money.
    - Every day you must plant/water/mow down crops. Feed, put out to pasture, brush, wash, love and take care of ALL your animals. And inbetween those, buy new tools, order things from abroad to help out with your farm.
    - In your free time, you can involve yourself in the lives of the citizens of your small town that you live in. Even court up to 5 different women and possibly marry one of them. Each woman will bring in a different helping aspect around the farm and may even help TREMENDOUSLY with the below aspect of this game.
    - Now this isn't all about raising crops, animals and stuff. That alone would be boring! Link also wants adventure! When you aren't enjoying daily life in town and your farm, explore the VAST countryside and find 8 dungeons to explore and fight in! Defeat 8 bosses and find all 8 pieces of triforce! All inbetween your daily duties, you must do this. Thus, having a competent wife in farming is HELPFUL. Pick the wrong woman, and you must come back EVERYDAY to take care of the farm. Pick an awesome farming wife and you can leave for days at a time exploring, she'll upkeep the farm until you get back.
    - By exploring dungeons, exploring countryside and helping out town citizens, you can get pieces of heart. You can trade in every 4 pieces of heart when you sleep in your bed at night to increase your hp by 100. (you start off with a weak 300 hp. (100 hp = 1 heart))
    - Furthermore, you can have a child, be it a boy or girl and must influence that child's future career. Be away exploring dungeons a lot and you have one neglected child who may veer towards your wife's interests instead of yours. Having a child sharing your interests may benefit you by his future career. Depending on his career, you may get bonuses. (for example, if he becomes a merchant, he can sell goods to you at a almost stealing price!)
    - So you must balance time between farm work, animal work, wife/child work, town social life, and exploring and finding triforce pieces.
    - This will run on a timed game. You have 10 years to find all triforce pieces and defeat Ganon before he destroys your farm and town. A comprehensive day/night system will be employed where all citizens have a life to live everyday. (but do to the mass of coding that must be done, I'm limiting it to one routine that they do every day, day after day.) There are four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. Each season lends itself to different crops and different dangers in the countryside. Every day will last 10 REAL TIME minutes. 5 minutes for day, 5 minutes for night. Every season will last 10 days. (10 x 5 = 50 minutes) So every year lasts 40 days. (40 x 5 = 200 minutes) So if the max time is 10 years.... (10 x 200 = 2000 minutes) you have to complete the game and beat Ganon. Not too short eh?
    - Furthermore, you have rain, snow and other weather effects that can effect your farm, crops and animals that you must be aware of. If you're off exploring, you better hope your wife knows what she's doing while you're gone during those times!

    So yeah, this is quite an ambitious project, and something that would be IMPOSSIBLE to do on Zelda Classic. This may take a LONG time for me to finish, maybe years. But I'm not too worried. I'm not rushing it at all and only working on it when I'm interested in it. So maybe you'll see the full finished product in two years or so. After all, after reading all that, it is quite the big undertaking. But down to the point, what do you all think? Think its worth it? Would it be interesting to play for you? Oh yeah, and you can get better weapons and armor too by exploring! ^_^
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  2. #2
    Wizrobe Freedom's Avatar
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    Re: Harvest Hyrule

    Sounds like "Link wakes up in Sim Farm".
    I'd give it a play.
    On a side note, didn't you say you were going in the military?

    ZC information I've compiled and my quests
    Adventure Tileset
    Elise's Zelda Classic

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    Re: Harvest Hyrule

    No, that's Peote..I think.^_^

  4. #4
    Murana Wolford DarkFlameWolf's Avatar
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    Re: Harvest Hyrule

    No, that was me. Which is why I mentioned: 'this may take a few years or so.'
    "If anybody says him/her/it without defining what they're talking about, the conversation is automatically about my p.e.n.i.s. :-D" - Wild Bill
    "Design ideas come to me during fetid fits of masturbation." - C-Dawg
    "I want to give NoeL a blowjob! ^_^" - Peteo
    "The magic boob should be mine any minute!" - Koopa
    "Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism" - My Film Professor

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