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Thread: What to start working on following this current beta...

  1. #1
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    What to start working on following this current beta...

    I think we should work together right now to compose a list of things to start implementing (like from scratch) after all bugs have been cleared and the current beta has been perfected. So, when there's "nothing" else to "do" what should be implemented?

    My ideas:
    I. Pick-Up System
    A) New Combo: "Pot" can either be slashed or picked up and thrown, either way creating a brief animated sprite like that of the bush except more appropriate for a broken pot. Also, it makes items appear like a bush, heart, rupee, or neither and leaves behind the undercombo. With this in mind, there's the issue of weather the "armos->item" flag will make the special item appear "under" the pot so when link picks it up, the item appears, or "inside" the pot so the item appears wherever link throws it.

    B) New Combo: "Heavy Pot" the "Pot" except can only be picked up when you have the 1st gaunlet, and if u do pick it up when u can, then link can only stand in place with it over its head and then thrown it, instead of walk with it over its head like it can a regular pot.

    C) New Combo: "Boulder"...just as there exists a "Bush" and a "Flower" which have two different animations, this combo is like the counterpart to a "Pot", where you can throw it and it has its own animation when thrown, except unlike the bot, you can't simply slash it. Also, perhaps it wouldn't ever spawn a heart or rupee when broken.

    D) New Combo: "Heavy Boulder" boulder, it can be picked up and thrown so it crumbles but only if Link has the gaunlets (silver).

    E) New Combo: "Very Heavy Boulder" that of a boulder, but link must have the 2nd pair of gauntlets (golden) rather than simply the 1st pair.

    F) New Flag: #91 "Pick Up--Toss"...used for blocks and can be used for other combos that you might need to pick up. If used on a something like a "boulder" that by definition can already be picked up, then this flag has "no use," but if placed on any other combo, applies such a property to it regardless of its property. So if used on a "-" combo, the combo can be picked up and thrown, but it won't break.

    G) New Flag: #92 "Pick Up--Drop"...similar to a pick-up-able block, except you can't throw it! You can simply set it down at Link's feet (or like the nearest adjacent combo.

    Note: "pick-up" blocks, like "push" blocks, can also act like triggers for the "Block trigger" flag.

    H) New Sound Effect: "Broken Pots"...please apply a generic sound effects for broken pots. Perhaps a quest rule can disable them if a person doesn't want the
    sound effect in his/her quest.

    I) New Combo: "Bomb Flower"...Can be picked up, and possibly when it does so for the first time, it goes to the next combo, and eventually it explodes just as a regular bomb does (using the same "explosion" sprite). You can pick it up & throw it as many times as necessary. Will activate "bomb" flags and perhaps have a new "Bomb Flower" flag for its own secret combos, but really not necessary, although possibly good for a new kinda Custom Boss!

    II Enhanced Sound Effects System--In addition to a new sound effect for breaking pots, there should be other sound effects to be implemented. Examples:
    A) Crickets Churping (great for night-time areas!)
    B) Wind Blowing
    C) Some sort of Waterfall sound fx
    D) Thunder (and Rain)
    E) Fire (like that of the "Armageddongames" Screen when ZC opens, might be PERFECT, especially for 'volcanic' areas of a quest!)
    F) Blocks sliding (like while being pushed)
    G) Boulders Crumbling
    H) Bomb Fuse (If implemented, it sounds off while a bomb is on the screen or while a bomb flower is lit after it has been picked up)
    I) New Enemy Sound Effects, such as for when an Octorock shoots a rock at Link!
    --Any other suggested sound effects would be GREAT! Each of these would of course be optional, either by screen flags or quest rules.
    My Zquest Tutorial
    tutorial document

    Working on a quest, I swear i'll finally finish one, one of these days!

    --Overworld: 60% done
    --Dungeons: 0% done
    --Misc: 0% done

  2. #2
    Lynel Dart Zaidyer's Avatar
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    Re: What to start working on following this current beta...

    As far as sounds go, how about these:
    -Key pick-up
    -rupee pick-up
    -rupee counter
    -lesser enemy hit noise (As in LttP, where smaller or weaker enemies would make a "splut" sound when you hit them instead of the typical "blip" sound.)
    -Heart Container pick-up
    -Boss Death scream

    Perhaps also a way to configure the quest to use a certain SFX datafile. It would work like Alt. Music does now: Not a part of the quest and completely external, so you can modify it as you like. Older quests would defer to the standard ZC SFX file. Ideally this option would be located in the quest header.

    And a few quest rules as well:

    -Bosses Explode: When killed, Bosses are covered in explosions as in later Zelda games. Requires a MISC sprite to be set. (This sprite should have frame and speed options instead of a set behavior, as well.)
    -Large Boss Explosions: Modifier to "Bosses Explode" rule that causes the explosion graphics to be 2x2 tiles instead of 1. The MISC sprite would then look for its animation frames every other tile instead of one right after another.
    -4th HC piece restores health: In games with Heart Container Pieces, whenever Link would acquire the 4th piece to complete another container, his health would be restored completely. This rule would enable that behavior.
    ~Dart Zaidyer

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.