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Thread: More "Warp" triggers

  1. #1
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    More "Warp" triggers

    Here's triggers we now have:
    1) Tile
    2) Side
    3) Item
    4) Timed

    How about we have in addition:
    1) Enemy->Warp (warp instantly after all enemies have been defeated on the screen)
    2) Special (Warp via special enemies, such as a wallmaster or a windrobe's wind--it would take u to this screen rather than that of the dmap's continue point)

    3) "Warp Trigger" Enemy---a new "enemy" although, like the "trigger" enemy, it doesn't appear at all--but the game can detect when link "hits" it so that when link runs into it, he is warped via the "special" warp data, acting like a different "tile" or "direct warp" combo.
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  2. #2
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    Re: More "Warp" triggers

    1. This would be very useful for custom bosses and such.
    2. This could possibly be done, but would that mean that a warp would be needed for each warping enemy type (right now just wallmasters and windrobes, if ceiling masters get implemented, that would be 3)? And would that be on a per-screen basis or per-dmap basis?
    3. How would this be different than laying down a bunch of stair combos that look like the floor? Other than the ability to have random warp placement (which might make it impossible to get where you are wanting to go if the warp enemies are blocking the path unless they can move around) and moving warps (like a "hole" enemy, maybe, except you said that warp enemies wouldn't be shown)? Possibly if you were wanting to do an RPG type quest where you have random battles like in Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy, Zelda 2 (which used visible warp enemies)?

  3. #3
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    Re: More "Warp" triggers

    1. Yes, they'd be great for custom bosses, as well as "defeat all enemies" within a certain time limit minigame (the time warp takes you to a "loser" screen, the "enemies defeated" warp takes you to a 'winners' screen

    2. The enemies, as they are, carry Link to the beginning of the dungeon by default--with this implemented, all enemies with such an affect, would make link go to this warp type's screen instead--perhaps you could have 'special warp' as the main menu title for such a warp, however, you could then divide it up further so you click on "Enemy Wind," "Wallmaster", and "Cieling Master" (when implemented0 and then choose a screen for each, just like how you would go to "side" and then from there, you'd pick a direction.

    3. The enemy type would be exactly like a stair combo, except would allow you to create the illusion of entering two different "tile" warps--one would be the actual tile warp via the stair combo, the other would be a warp triggered by the touch of this invisible enemy, which you could place over a combo that looks like stairs via enemy placement flags, or, like you said, have them appear randomly--mayb there's a second type of this enemy that also moves rather than stay still.
    My Zquest Tutorial
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    Working on a quest, I swear i'll finally finish one, one of these days!

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