I basically stole this idea from The Internet Oracle, but I've decided to start my first Forum Games thread ever with this.

This isn't a 'game' per se, as it is a source of entertainment and a chance to show off your writing skill.

It goes like this. You can do one of two things. In this thread, you can either ask a question, or you can answer it.


* Try to adress the oracle by name. Such as "Oh great Oracle" or "Oh most wise Oracle". You don't have to...but whats the fun in not doing it?
* Ask your question
* Don't 'respond' to an oracle's answer. The gods smite those who question the oracles' wisdom.


This is where the fun begins...

* Assume yourself to be an oracle. Roleplay. Be imaginitive.
* You can answer ANYONE's question. You can even answer a question that another oracle has already answered.
* Quote whoever you answer, to avoid confusion.
* Answer one person at a time, again to avoid confusion (don't multiquote and answer multiple questions)
* Your answer must be as witty as you can possibly make it. This is the important part. It's the whole point of the oracle idea.
* Optionally, you may want to request penance for giving your answer. Such requests go at the very end of your answer. Something like "You owe the Oracle a *insert item here*" would do nicely.

Here is an example, taken from the origional Internet Oracle
The Internet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:
Oh Oracle, who is the wisest of all the great things in the world...

Can I have a puppy for my birthday?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
Well, yeah. But to keep from freaking out everybody why not just have cake like all the other kids. . .

You owe the Oracle a lobster dinner.
If someone will ask the first couple of questions, I might answer the first one or two just to get everyone in the mood. Remember, anyone can ask and anyone can answer.