i made a copy of this and am continuing this thread in zc disucssion, place responses there :)
Zelda Classic icon system windows OS Patch
i am attempting write this in vc++

it is a system that will update the windows dynamic libraries and registry so that zelda classic, zquest, and agsetup will be assigned icons without having to use shortcuts. also each unique quest file will have its own unique icon due to creating an iconhandler which will be able to download and install new icons for the quests as you copy them to your quest directories.

what hasnt been decided is the way for quest icons to be uploaded to the server.

feel free to give any suggestions ask any questions or leave any comments regarding this. :)

also I NEED ICONS for your .QST files!

either post a GIF image of the icon here or email it to me at [email protected]

!!! remember to include the quest name, copyright, quest version, and zquest version it was made with!

or if you already have the icon file made simply email it to me.

if the icon was made by cheating by simply saving a bmp as .ico then rename it to .bmp and email it to me so i dont have to work too much harder converting it to the correct format!


there might be two versions of each icon...

a greyed-out version and a color version :)

sorry i cant accept alpha-blended xp icons yet!
only 256 color and 16 color etc.

however if you have 24bit bmp's i WILL accept those and convert them for you :)

editted: may 5,2002

i made a copy of this and am continuing this thread in zc disucssion, place responses there :)