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Thread: AGN: The true meaning of life (An AGN success story.)

  1. #1
    Wizrobe theplustwo's Avatar
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    AGN: The true meaning of life (An AGN success story.)

    Does AGN steal your soul? Not hardly!!

    I've heard several people (jokingly) refering to AGN as stealing their souls, and I would just like to say that, to me, the reverse is true.

    I used to be one of those people who would re-format their hard drive all the time because it got to 'cluttered', some times I would reformat it as many as several times a day. (yes, and set-up and install windows xp every time)

    I didn't know any good web sites to go too (other that gameshark and ign) and would often open IE, move my mouse arrow around in little circles trying to think of something good to do, and then close the window, frustrated, and continue downloading useless crap on kazaa.

    I no longer suffer from this affliction. When I downloaded ZC the first time a couple-a years ago, I did the typical noob thing. Play (& beat) the game, go 'thats cool' and stop using it.

    Then I 'discovered' zquest.

    I told a few close friends about it, but they just kinda went 'huh' and never mentioned it again, so I stopped using it, with no one to share it with, what was the point? I started a few crappy quests, but never really got the hang of it, and then deleted them (see Cyclone's sig)

    Flash forward to a few years later, (dec 2k2) I accidentally navigate to the forums. This is big. This is very big. After a month of perusing various people's posts I decide to take the plunge: I join. My first post is of the 'make a dual-booting xp/98 system' variety. (which, by the way, I have set up way better than what I describe there, so if you want me to write up a new one, tell me.)

    Now, my computer stays on all the time. There is almost always always an IE (AGN) window open, and I'm a lot happier.

    I find the forums to be a welcoming place to talk about everything and nothing all at once. I would like to thank anyone who has posted anything to me in the few months since I have been here, it has been great. (whew, that took a lot outta me)

    And just because you knew it was coming at some point... !!

  2. #2
    Glenn the Great
    This same topic was posted almost 8 hours ago. I'm going to assume that you left Explorer on, hit the back button, and let it sit too long on the screen you see after hitting the Submit New Thread button.

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