Video Games A-Z
Hi Everyone.
Thought that this thread might be fun. Post the name of a video game character or game title from any source. Console, arcade, online, etc. They must be posted in alphabetical order. I'll begin with the FF summon creature "Anima". The next poster must choose one that starts with the letter "B" .The next poster "C", and so on.
Bahamut would be too easy of a response...
So I choose Beowulf, from FFT.
Hmmm.. I'll go with Celine from Star Ocean: The Second Story
Entropius. (Penultimate boss of The Sunwell Plateau, World of Warcraft)
Fei Long-Super Street Fighter II
[edit] Derp, its G so Ganondorf from OoT
Haschel-Legend Of Dragoon
Ice Climber for the NES. :3
Jade-Mortal Kombat Series
K.K. from Animal Crossing.
Maria Renard from the Castlevania series.
@Chris Miller
You and I are really putting on a show here! lol
Well, nobody can accuse us of not being active.
Niko Bellic-GTA IV
Ogre Battle (series title)
Trevor Belmont (do I really need to tell you where he's from?!)
Vega from Street Fighter II
Yoshi from Super Mario World.
Duran from Seiken Densetsu 3.
Jaguar (the poorly-thought-out Atari system)