If you would like to have your username changed, please post here with what you are requesting your name be changed to. Make sure you use the exact case and format you want.
Example: I would like my username to be changed to "SuPeR Noo-Bee."
There is a custom profile field in Settings for Past Usernames.
Username changes are a privilege and not to be overused. Your recent activity will be taken into account to determine whether or not the name change is given.
Continuing log:
10/4/12 - 57947 - Zeldaman23 -> Dashie
10/5/12 - 38517 - Hypercrash -> 4matsy
10/23/12 - 40213 - Link75 -> Phazite
11/20/12 - 44673 - Furion -> Marco
12/1/12 - 59524 - Hylian_Knight -> Phoenix
4/18/13 - 59493 - Shane -> Charizard
7/25/13 - 43619 - lenthelivingleg -> Tatl Tael Link
7/25/13 - 44782 - Seastorm -> Orithan
7/25/13 - 38634 - callitaday -> Chris Miller
7/29/13 - 40237 - Janus -> Aliem
9/3/13 - 38529 - Jennifer -> Mitsukara
12/3/13 - 56506 - BlackBishop89 -> Palpaleos
3/28/14 - 38637 - mattwdr -> Matteo
4/21/14 - 40835 - franpa -> Nicholas Steel
9/23/14 - 56506 - palpaleos -> Mero
10/27/14 - 39587 - Anthony -> Brasel
5/##/15 - 56506 - Mero -> Tamamo
5/23/15 - 42228 - Xious -> ZoriaRPG
6/3/15 - 41740 - lineas -> Binx
4/27/24 - xxxxx - jeffythedragonslayer -> Asuna Yuuki Nagato