I am seeking a partner for my quest project
I've never used any versions of Zelda Classic other than 1.90. I am planning to convert my demo of HowHigh2 into a 2.50 quest. I have most of the planning done, but I will need a partner to accomplish what I have in mind. there would be plenty of room for creative use of any skills you may have for composing songs, scripting tricks, enemy design and more. I will likely handle most of the graphics and screen building, but I need help with 2.50 badly enough to accept partnership in nearly any form(s). the project isn't too expansive (one overworld, one "dungeon") and will likely only require a couple of scripts and a few songs. check out the demo (linked from my signature) and envision most of the graphics being replaced with more realistic-looking sprites and tiles. then imagine yourself being a driving force in this thing being a masterpiece of adventure.
anyway, this thread used to be about all of my projects, but I have converted it into this plea for partnership. holler at your boy.