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I'm working on Final Fantasy 5 for PSX, but it isn't going so well. I wanted to max out all the jobs before pushing forward, but after the fire crystal I've been farming for 20 game-play hours, and I'm still not done.
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I'm working on Final Fantasy 5 for PSX, but it isn't going so well. I wanted to max out all the jobs before pushing forward, but after the fire crystal I've been farming for 20 game-play hours, and I'm still not done.
New Super Mario Bros 2
Never did finish FFV. I got stuck trying to kill some crystals or something, got discouraged, and never returned.
If I don't win the Lottery I'm never going to get through my back log of games. Being OCD, that's pretty much every highly rated game ever made.(7 or >)
Even if I played every game I ever wanted to, which are admittedly mostly only on Nintendo consoles, by the time I finished I'm have a massive backlog from this generation.
I'm playing Final Fantasy VI Advance. I was playing Skyrim and Assassin's Creed Revelations, but I got away from both during my summer classes and I haven't gotten back to them yet. I've been playing a lot of easy old school games that I don't delve too much into. I finished all 6 of the original Mega Man games this summer as well as Mega Man 9.
I should be working on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4; I had played through all the games in the series I own since I haven't done so in ages, and my memory card was corrupted and I lost half my data anyway, then saved this for last cuz it was the best. But I sorta drifted away from it for a while. I also have a Wind Waker run I need to be finishing. Then some games I haven't even started yet that I own and need to get to...
I'm playing Final Fantasy 12 International edition. so far I'm liking it more then the US version.
And I'm working on The Elder scrolls V: Skyrim as well. So far Skyrim is one of the most epic games I've played in awhile.
Things I should be playing if I could devote a couple solid days...
Kingdom Hearts DDD on 3DS
Finish the last half of Mario Land 3D
More NSMB 2
*points to siggy*
I've been meaning to play through WW again for years. I only played through it one time after I bought it. Normally, I replay games I like every couple years but for whatever reason, I never got through this one again.
The graphics still hold up today. I still don't understand why people were so up in arms about the style.
Speaking of Zelda, I sold my Wii, so now I can't play Skyward Sword.
I don't either, they were wonderful graphics, and I'd love to see a Zelda game on 3DS utilize the style. The reason I actually wanted to play it again was because I couldn't tell whether Skyward Sword or Wind Waker is the best 3D Zelda game in my opinion, so I was replaying WW, which I hadn't done in a while, to refresh my memory and remind myself which is better. I'll probably end up picking WW; it was far better in terms of exploration and finding secrets, whereas SS skimped out on much of that. :(
I honestly wasn't too impressed by the cell shaded DS entries. Phantom Hourglass was OK, but not great. Spirit Tracks was just too out there in terms of a Zelda game for my tastes. I couldn't get over the train / Zelda ghost thing.