Bad Idea: Saving money to buy an assualt rifle and go on a shooting spreee.
Good Idea: Buying locally grown organic vegetables.
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Bad Idea: Saving money to buy an assualt rifle and go on a shooting spreee.
Good Idea: Buying locally grown organic vegetables.
Bad Idea: Buying locally grown organic killer tomatoes.
Good Idea: Being Tony Stark.
Bad Idea: Being Tony Stark as played by Nicolas Cage.
Good Idea: Playing Zelda Classic.
Bad Idea: Playing ZC while being eaten by a shark.
Good Idea: Donating a fistful of Gil to an orphanage.
Bad Idea: Donating a fistful of fish gills to an orphanage.
Good Idea: Working out to lose weight.
Bad Idea: Working a Ginsu knife and a vacuum cleaner to lose weight...
God Idea: Shopping for groceries...
Bad Idea: Shopping for groceries in a furniture store.
Good Idea: Posting in the Armageddon Games forums.
Bad Idea: Getting married
Good idea:Staying single
You're supposed to make the above good idea into a bad idea. For example, you could have said:
Bad Idea: Spamming in the Armageddon Games forums.
Going from your post....
Bad Idea: Staying single because no women want to marry you.
Good Idea: Treating your girlfriend like a queen on her birthday.
Bad Idea: Treating your girlfriend like anything but a queen on her birthday.
Good Idea: Drinking warm milk before bed.