I've got a Ti-89 calculater on which I can install small games. Can I download zelda classic for it?
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I've got a Ti-89 calculater on which I can install small games. Can I download zelda classic for it?
A TI-89 does not have DOS, Windows, or Linux. I'm pretty sure. What on earth makes you think it's powerful enough to run any computer programs not made specifically for it?
I know that you can get Mario on it, so why not Zelda Classic?
Pardon me for sounding like an ass, but you are the densest human being alive, and judging from what you've said so far, you have all the technical skills of a carrot.
In summary: There is no Zelda Classic for the Ti-89. It's moderately hilarious that you even thought such a thing might exist in the first place.
The operating systems are worlds apart, don't count on a port to a calculator, ever.
*Is tempted to say something to plith and DDX.*
There was actually a little Zelda game similar to Link's Awakening on the TI-83 Calculator. I recommend you search that out. I don't know if it'll run on a TI-89 though. (I doubt I've ever seen such a model actually.)
I did once see a version of the Wind Waker for the TI-83 written in the ASM assembly language. It's not ZC, but it's still Zelda. Look around and see if you can find it.
If it works for the Ti-83 it will work for the Ti-89. Do you know where I can find these diferent versions of Zelda?
Have you tried TICalc.org?
DDX, watch the flaming. I really don't want to have to issue an official warning.