what midi would U use?
I cant decide which midi I should use in the alien space craft.
I would use a midi from unreal but I dont know were I can get some apart from the warlord midi. So, what do you lot think I should use here? The person who gives me the midi that I use in the end will be put onto the credits at the end ;)
I love that tune:D
But I dont think its the right tipe for a space craft full with blood sucking aliens:shrug:
Nice try though. ;)
Raichu, that 5th one isn't in the game (at least I don't recall it being there, and I completed it 100%), it's a remix, one of several "secret" remix midis, all with the same intro and tune, with the main level theme playing behind (all of them are made by the same person).
Anyway, Blackscab, some screenshots would help, though my advice is, use the CT "ruin" theme for now, and when the next public beta comes along (it can't be long now ;) ), use the OOT shadow temple theme.
actually, I think the cave midi from kirby 64 would work well, I know it sounds wierd, but just give it a try
these screenys are from the crashed space craft and not the one full of aliens but they will be pretty similer (but the one the midi will be for will be cramed with aliens :evil: )
and *b*, you are right it does sound strange, but I will have a try;)
*b* ,I cant seem to find it.:(
can someone link it to me?
yeah, those two would be ok.
Any more? I am sure there is.
I agree with ZeldaLord's suggestion of the Kefka Tower theme. I'd also suggest trying Final Fantasy 4's subterrainian theme from the moon.