[5th Quest Entry] Love For Fire
Here it is, my 5th quest entry finally finished: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B21v...?usp=drive_web
What I have tried to do here is strike a balance between being very authentic to the original, as well as have some new things to keep it fresh. The later levels start to introduce some different concepts and puzzles to keep things interesting. All the new items and enemies are variations on existing ones, though some of them you will have to figure out their weaknesses.
Feel free to provide any feedback, the quest should be bug free but it's always possible I missed something. Also need some judging if the difficulty is fair or not. I've beaten Armageddon Quest and most of Liberation of Hyrule (subtle brag), so it's hard for me to get the sweet spot where it will be challenging, but most other people can beat it too. Pay attention to what the hint guys tell you, and explore. Also maybe have some paper ready for the later levels ;) If you're feeling really gutsy, there is a magic key available, though it's completely optional, there are enough keys in the level to finish without getting it.
Only thing not working that I know of at this point is that I tried to edit the super wand's damage to be 4, but it only does 2 damage for magic, but does 4 when you strike something with it (let's face it you didn't equip the wand to use it as a melee weapon right?).