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View Full Version : Stray black box on the 'Edit DMap' window

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
02-24-2024, 05:34 AM
There is a stray black box on the "Edit DMap" window.

Steps to recreate:

Click 'Edit' in the "Select DMap" window
Make sure "Type:" is set to "Overworld"
Observe black box immediately above the "Continue here" checkbox label

Upon closer inspection, it appears to be the horizontal scrollbar which is only scrollable when "Type:" is set to:

NES Dungeon
BS Overworld

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
02-24-2024, 06:06 AM

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
03-02-2024, 11:51 PM
This window is created in edit_dmap.cpp

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
03-10-2024, 09:51 AM
This is the code snippet that creates that slider:

dmap_slider = Slider(
colSpan = 2, fitParent = true,
disabled = !sm_dmap(local_dmap.type),
offset = local_dmap.xoff,
maxheight = 16_px,
minOffset = -7, maxOffset = 15,
onValChangedFunc = [&](int32_t offset)
local_dmap.xoff = offset;

which is declared in edit_dmap.h:

std::shared_ptr<GUI::Slider> dmap_slider;

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
03-29-2024, 09:29 PM
GUI::Slider extends Widget, which has a setVisible member function.

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
04-06-2024, 09:23 PM
We have a fix for this now in the next version.