View Full Version : Which new bugfixes are being applied?

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
02-09-2024, 11:44 AM
Upon loading same quests in the editor, I am greeted with an "Apply New Bugfixes" window, which states:

New bugfixes found that can be appiled to this quest!
Would you like to apply them?
(Applies 'Bugfix' rule template, un-checking compat rules)

But it doesn't say which bugfixes these are, could we turn this AlertDialog into a list? The code is in zq_class.cpp in the void-returning popup_bugfix_dlg function.

02-11-2024, 04:54 AM
This sounds like a mess to me.

Is it a bug, or not? If so, then apply changes to preserve backwards compatibility. The player can only play a quest with a single state so it won't work there, so I'm assuming it only happens on opening a quest in ZQuest in which case you are correct that it should specify... but if it plays correctly in ZC why is it an option to change the behavior?

Lucy you got some splainin' to do! :P