View Full Version : Why remove the module system?

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
02-03-2024, 04:55 PM
In zdefs.h I found:

// TODO: we would like to remove the module system / loading from datafiles eventually.

Why would we like to do that?

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
02-06-2024, 09:11 PM
In zinfo.h we have:

//old jank module shit
struct zcmodule

02-12-2024, 09:23 AM
Modules were a combination of custom nth quest progression, class names for enemies/items, and the ability to change the file->new quest (including anything that uses it as a base, such as file select graphics and default sfx) from what I gather. The problem is that as a combined whole, it's a messy feature that would have required an editor to use it, and requires explaining to everyone what a module even is (my description is probably incomplete, which further proves the point that it's not an intuitive feature). If you look at what modules would have brought to the table:

Editing the file select in a barebone manner: Would it not be better to have a file select editor instead of a hackish tile-replace?
Editing the colors of ZC: this is already done by the theme editor.
Changing the names of classes: this is already done by ZInfo.
Changing the file->new quest: the amount of effort to make a module just to avoid File->Open->Selecting your file is disproportionate. If changing the default File->New quest is truly desired, it makes more sense as a separate feature.
Custom Nth Quest progression: Again, would it not be better to have an actual system for this, like a "Quest Pack" feature? Using modules for this feels messy, given that you have to distribute both the quests and the module file itself, which includes all the file select and file->new stuff and etc. Speaking of which..
Default SFX: Modules changing this means that any quest which uses default SFX will have different SFX if played in a module, because default sfx was not stored in the quest for a long time. This means that if you are playing a module and a quest uses them, you will not be getting the author-intended experience when playing; certain multipurpose sounds like the arrow sfx could become grating with different sounds. Which leads to...
Copyright Avoidance: The big appeal of modules is that all existing zelda stuff can be shoved into a classic module and that can be distributed via third party to protect the developers asses. However, the SFX issues of SFX not being saved within the quest means that in order to play almost any quest as intended, you would need the classic sfx. This means that either you would need to download yet another thing in order to experience old quests (making the ZC user experience worse), or classic sfx has to be included with ZC by default (as it currently does); modules can't really solve the copyright issue without creating massive annoyances, and if the annoyances need to happen then the harbinger of those annoyances needs to be user friendly, easily understandable, and make sense; modules fulfill none of these 3 as explained above, and so it is a bad option for Copyright Avoidance, it's only potential saving grace.

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
02-17-2024, 11:22 PM
I see - thanks.