View Full Version : We're getting old

11-05-2023, 07:01 PM
I remember as a child that Boomers were constantly reminiscing about their childhood. Remember 5 cent gas? Remember Leave it to Beaver? Remember the moon landing?

That's us now.

Remember Hamster Dance? Remember All Your Base? Remember Nyan Cat? Remember Zelda Classic 1.9?

Dropping back here now and then reminds me of those fun times, as if it's an old VFW hall where all my old buddies hang out, but it gets emptier each year. Warlord and Shadowblazer, Eckels and Cronic, moocow, Lilith and Carrot Red, Glenn the Great and Jigglysaint. And Breaker, of course.

Anyway. Carry on.

11-09-2023, 08:09 AM
“The world’s still the same. There’s just less in it.” - Captain Jack Sparrow

Asuna Yuuki Nagato
01-19-2024, 05:55 PM
You may be, but I'm not. :googlyeyes:

04-15-2024, 06:33 AM
I remember as a child that Boomers were constantly reminiscing about their childhood. Remember 5 cent gas? Remember Leave it to Beaver? Remember the moon landing?

That's us now.

Remember Hamster Dance? Remember All Your Base? Remember Nyan Cat? Remember Zelda Classic 1.9?

Dropping back here now and then reminds me of those fun times, as if it's an old VFW hall where all my old buddies hang out, but it gets emptier each year. Warlord and Shadowblazer, Eckels and Cronic, moocow, Lilith and Carrot Red, Glenn the Great and Jigglysaint. And Breaker, of course.

Anyway. Carry on.

You may find it amusing to learn that I became a devout Christian. I don't know if you remember my acidic "New Atheist Movement" rants from back in the day, but it was pretty bad.

I miss the old days, in some respects. RIP to those who have passed.

07-31-2024, 12:24 PM
This scared me for a little bit when you starting rolling off names, assuming they had all passed. Until I realized I see half of them on social media and a wave of relief flows over me.

Also yeah I joined here as barely a teenager, and now I'm 36 with my own almost teenagers. Neat!

08-08-2024, 11:12 AM
I've got a trail of white stuff growing down my chin where there was once an eternal mockery of a no-glass-jaw peach fuzz kind of guy.
Generations later, its happening again.
int i =0;


I am lost my mind, but I know where my body resides, things are getting better.. worse... better... worse...

I haven't smoked a cigarette in a week.

An old friend's brother died, again...

Not sure of the answer.

Thanks again and until next time fam.

09-21-2024, 06:33 PM
I think I first joined around early 2000s under a different account that I do not recall. I think I sent a private message to Nightmare asking for help on the Demo Quest. That was about it until I joined again in 2007. Hung around for a couple of years. I guess so Beldaran could piss me off every once in a while. Hopefully becoming a Christian tamed him down some, and hopefully he's still doing something with guitar. I have let my guitar fall to the side a bit.

Then I joined the military. You know, the man's equivalent to a woman becoming a stripper. I'm still there and have two girls now. Occasionally I get the urge to check in and see what's new here. Wish you all well.